

 ボラ、2019 年 11 月 08 日 |
All dog owners have felt frustrated when their pets stop and smell during walks, but research is pointing to the benefits of this activity.

Many pet parents have experienced frustration when their curious companions stop to sniff every five steps during walks. However, research is showing that allowing dogs to exercise their noses may be just as important as the physical activity gained from walking.


If you are concerned about striking the right balance between exercise and nose-to-the-ground time during walks, you can try an experiment with your pet. First, take him on a walk and allow only a small amount of time to stop and sniff. Another day, take your dog on a walk and give him ample time to smell his surroundings. Compare his energy levels after both walks and adjust his smell time accordingly to help your pet strike the right balance of burning mental and physical energy. Another option some pet parents choose to explore is nosework, which kicks Fido’s tracking abilities into high gear. Nosework trains dogs to sniff out a piece of meat, cheese or other tasty morsel, allowing your pet to exercise his keen sense of smell in a problem-solving scenario that activates both his body and brain. By playing this game of olfactory hide-and-seek, your dog engages in a natural behavior and makes independent choices that, research shows, appear to benefit his overall wellbeing.




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