
How to Help Your Cat Cope with the Heat

 2014年7月18日、著者ジェイミー |
As we approach the middle of summer and the temperatures really begin to soar, spare a thought for your feline friend who may be suffering the effects of the heat much worse than you are…

Cats sweat through their paws so it can be difficult to detect when a cat is getting too hot. You may notice them groom themselves a lot more than usual because as the saliva on their fur dries and evaporates it aids in cooling them down. If it reaches 90 degrees (F) indoors, your cat will begin to pant, which is a sure-fire way to tell that they are really feeling the heat.

The best thing you can do for your cat when it gets really hot is to have a constant supply of cold, cool water and that there are plenty of shady locations for your feline to hang out in. In addition, there are some other methods you can adopt to help keep your kitty cool.

Tips for keeping cats cool
  • Wrap a bag of frozen peas or ice in a towel and place it somewhere for your cat to lie down on. The peas and ice move about and is quite comfortable for your cat.
  • Place a pan of ice in front of a fan and let it blow in your cat's direction, providing refreshing cool air.
  • Dampen some towels for your cat to lie down on.
  • If you have a long-haired cat, get them a summer suitable haircut, particularly on their bellies so they can cool off by lying on tiles.
  • あなたの猫を濡れた手やぬれた紙タオルでこする。
  • Groom them regularly to get rid of any hairballs. Grooming also helps to keep them cool.
  • Make an alcohol/water mix that you can rub them with.
  • Let your cat stand for a few minutes in 2 inches of cold water - they might not enjoy it at first though!
  • Keep your cat calm and don't get them to exert themselves too much.
  • Buy an automated water fountain or at least have a few bowls of fresh, cool water dotted inside and outside your home.
  • Play a game by getting your cat to chase ice cubes on the floor - fun and cooling at the same time!
  • いくつかの猫の所有者にとって、彼らの過熱猫は水を飲むことを拒否し、脱水症の症状をさらに悪化させる可能性があります。あなたの猫が体液を摂取し続けることが非常に重要なので、あなたは強制的に関与することがあります。あなたは水滴を注射するか、注射器に水を注ぎ、猫の口の角に数滴を滴下することでこれを達成します。彼らはあなたが窒息するか、水が肺に入る可能性があるため、水を撃たないでください。

    A special mention goes to owners of white cats because they are the most at risk of becoming sunburnt and potentially developing skin cancer, particularly on their ears and nose. If you own a white cat, keep them out of the sun as much as you can and apply sunscreen to their most vulnerable areas. You can speak to your vet to get a recommendation on a cat-friendly sunscreen.

    More than just hot: heatstroke

    Your cat's temperature should be between 100.5 to 102.5 degrees (F). You would have to use a rectal or ear thermometer to check on this as that's the only way. If your cat gets very overheated they could be in danger of developing heatstroke...


    • Dehydration
    • Panting
    • 過度の唾液分泌
    • Respiratory distress / hyperventilation
    • 発作
    • Congested mucous membranes
    • Cardiac arrhythmias
    • Dazed state
    • Coma
    • Vomiting or diarrhoea with blood in it
    • Anxiety or pacing
    • 無気力
    • Dark red gums

    Note: If your pet has heatstroke once, it is possibly more susceptible of developing it again.




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