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Cooling Jackets: Why Your Dog Needs One

Dog owners should be vigilant over hot weather and its effects on their pets. As dogs can’t release heat by sweating the way humans do, high heat and humidity can raise canine body temperatures to dangerous levels leading to health complications. Hea...

What To Do When Your Dog Won't Go For A Walk

 by alexandra on 24 Dec 2014 |

Why You Should Consider A Dog Life Jacket

 by alexandra on 15 Dec 2014 |
Dog life jackets? To some people the concept of little life jackets for pets can seem quite funny or even weird but for ...

Is Your Cat The Correct Weight?

 by alexandra on 12 Dec 2014 |
Weight concerns and managing a healthy weight is just as vital for cats as it is for their human counterparts. An overweight cat can end up with as many or more health problems as an overweight human, including arthritis, diabetes and heart disease, ...

How To Look After Your Dog's Ears

 by alexandra on 11 Dec 2014 |
Although your dog's ears need to be reguarly cared for and monitored by your vet, it is quite simple to keep them clean ...

Christmas Foods NOT To Feed Your Pet

 by alexandra on 10 Dec 2014 |
Christmas is a joyous time of year filled with happiness and great mirth, and should be fun for all the family- pets inc...

Adolescent Cats And What To Expect

 by alexandra on 09 Dec 2014 |
If you've had kids, been a kid or even just been around kids you'll know about the life-changing moment when that child becomes a teenager. Their mood and behaviour changes as do their interests. Unsuprisingly, animals go through similar changes, alt...

Health Benefits Of Owning A Cat

 by alexandra on 02 Dec 2014 |
It's no secret that pet ownership can benefit your life in many ways. But what most cat people don't realise is how bene...

The Benefits Of Cooling Beds For Dogs


7 Benefits of Adding Pumpkin To Your Pet's Diet

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