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Making a Splash: The Water Loving Turkish Van

 by michele on 20 Jun 2014 |
You may think that all cats hate water but the gorgeous Turkish Van, or swimming cat as it is sometimes nicknamed, is sure to convince you otherwise. This athletic, muscular and highly active cat has a natural affinity for water. In fact, these super...

The Dangers of Heartworm in Pets

 2014年6月20日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
Heartworm is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects both dogs and cats. Heartworm is an internal parasit...

7 Things Our Pets Can Teach Us

 2014年6月19日、シモンさんより。 |
Anyone who shares their life with a pet, or who has ever spent time with a pet, knows that animals enrich our lives. Res...

Should You Choose a Male or Female Dog?

 2014年6月19日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
When people consider getting a dog, the question always arises: male or female: which is best?  The answer is always that all dogs are wonderful, but the subtle differences between the males and females of any species only make life more interesting....

7 Ways to Solve Bad Dog Breath

 2014年6月19日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
Almost every dog owner has faced the problem of doggy bad breath at one time or another. Most veterinarians advise getti...

How to Detangle Your Cat’s Coat

 2014年6月18日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
Matted fur can be a huge problem for longhaired cats, but shorthaired cats aren’t immune from tangled, matted fur. If le...

5 Essential Items Every New Puppy Owner Should Have

 2014年6月18日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
 A puppy is an exciting addition to your family and can bring a lot of joy to your life.  However, you have to make sure you're prepared to welcome your furry friend into your home.  Fortunately, it only takes a few simple necessities to get ready fo...

4 Tips and Remedies that Protects Your Pets from Ticks.

 2014年6月18日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
The icy-cold grip of winter has relented, and people across the US are getting outside to enjoy the warm weather and sun...

5 Tips to Keep Your Cat Active

 2014年6月17日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
It's no secret that keeping cats active can be a chore. Unlike dogs who fetch, like to go on walks, and are generally ra...


 2014年6月17日、シモンさんより。 |
Many of us are familiar with guide dogs assisting people with vision impairment or blindness, but animals are increasingly being used to help people with a range of physical, psychiatric or sensory disabilities, mobility limitations and medical condi...
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