
What Does it Mean When Your Puppy Scratches but They Don't Have Fleas

 2014年6月22日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
Getting a new puppy is an exciting time in the life of any household. Welcoming a new four-legged friend to the family is always fun, but inexplicable medical problems can replace your happiness with fear and anxiety.   One of the most vexing problem...

Dealing with Anxiety in Cats

 2014年6月22日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
Many people think that all cats are confident and self-assured, but experienced cat owners know better. Cats can suffer ...

How Many Litter Trays Are Appropriate for Your Cat

 2014年6月21日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
One of the great things about cats is that they can take very good care of themselves. Cats love their humans, but they ...

How Much Should You Feed Your Dog?

 2014年6月21日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
When you buy a new puppy and bring it home to your house for the very first time, it can be intimidating trying to adjust to this addition to your life. New parents bringing home a baby often worry about how much or how often their new child should b...

What to do When Your Cat Starts Living with your Neighbours

 2014年6月21日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
It's really true when they say that a cat chooses its owner, you can't choose a cat. This is never more true when your f...

Why Your Dog Steals Food From Your Kids & How To Prevent It

  ミッシェルさんより2014年6月20日  |
Dogs are opportunistic scavengers that will never pass up the opportunity of a free meal! This is instinctual of course,...

Making a Splash: The Water Loving Turkish Van

 by michele on 20 Jun 2014 |
You may think that all cats hate water but the gorgeous Turkish Van, or swimming cat as it is sometimes nicknamed, is sure to convince you otherwise. This athletic, muscular and highly active cat has a natural affinity for water. In fact, these super...

7 Things Our Pets Can Teach Us

 2014年6月19日、シモンさんより。 |
Anyone who shares their life with a pet, or who has ever spent time with a pet, knows that animals enrich our lives. Res...

Should You Choose a Male or Female Dog?

 2014年6月19日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
When people consider getting a dog, the question always arises: male or female: which is best?  The answer is always tha...

7 Ways to Solve Bad Dog Breath

 2014年6月19日、ジェイミーさんより。 |
Almost every dog owner has faced the problem of doggy bad breath at one time or another. Most veterinarians advise getting your dog used to having their teeth brushed from a young age, but when this is not a workable solution, you can find other ways...
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