Teaching your dog tricks such as 'sit' and 'stay' are not only fun to teach (and fun for them to learn) but are beneficial to your dog's temperament and overall obediance, keeping them alert and energetic - plus it's a great way for you to bond.
Humans aren’t the only ones who can suffer from dandruff – dogs too can suffer from itchy, flaky skin that creates unsightly white dander that spreads through the coat and falls onto everything else.
Technically known as seborrhea, dandruff is comp...
According to stereotypes, cats can live happily on a diet of milk and fish. But like dairy products, feeding fish everyd...
一部の犬 (ラブラドールをご覧ください) は、絶え間なく食べ物を欲しがっているように見えますが、他の犬は並外れたものになる可能性があります...
Grooming, after sleeping, is probably the activity that consumes most of a cat’s day. It is thus likely an affront to feline pride that certain conditions can cause a cat’s coat to become unpleasantly greasy.
In cats, a greasy coat is far more than...
The workplace is often viewed as a sterile, stressful, and boring place to be. There is a reason that most people look f...
Governments and numerous health agencies have spent the last two decades raising awareness about the dangers of smoking. Citizens across the world have learned about what dangers smoking poses to their own health and the health of those around them. ...