Bravecto は、ノミやダニから 12 週間防御する長期持続型の局所治療薬です。
Field trials found that one dose of Bravecto killed 100 percent of fleas within 8 hours and continued fighting more than 98 percent of fleas for 12 weeks. Bravecto kills and controls four species of ticks, too, arming your cat against harmful diseases such as Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Its fast-acting, powerful formula is thanks to its active ingredient, Fluralaner, an insecticide and acaricide that attacks the nervous systems of fleas and ticks. Within hours of applying Bravecto topical treatment, the medication reaches the tissue fluids just under your cat’s skin, where it attacks parasites as they bite. But, because Fluralaner works differently on invertebrates than mammals, Bravecto’s powerful formula is safe for use on cats.
Fluralanerは、無脊椎動物の体内の2つの主要なシステムを破壊することによって機能します。 1つ目はGABAゲート(ガンマアミノ酪酸)チャネルとして知られており、神経伝達を落ち着かせる役割を果たし、身体に全体的なリラクゼーション効果をもたらします。 Fluralanerはこのプロセスを混乱させ、発作活動を増加させ、ノミやダニに致命的な影響を与える神経信号の波を引き起こします。同時に、Fluralanerは、神経が他の細胞に信号を送るのを助けるグルタミン酸ゲートチャネルを破壊します。 Fluralanerはこれらのチャネルを開いて伝達を増やし、発作活動を強化し、ノミやダニとの戦いにおけるBravectoの有効性を高めます。
Clinical trials found Bravecto caused no serious adverse reactions in cats. The most common side effects included vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, decreased appetite, lethargy, and scabs—all symptoms unrelated from your feline’s nervous system. However, if your cat has a history of neurological abnormalities or has ever been diagnosed with a seizure disorder, you should talk to your veterinarian before using Bravecto.