

Can Eating Slugs Hurt My Cat?

  2014年8月15日、ダニエルさんより。 |

  • 攪拌
  • 払い落とす
  • 筋肉の振戦および発作
  • レーシング心拍数
  • 高められた温度



Gubbna McDick - Comment
Gubbna McDick2016年6月5日Reply
Anne marie payne  - Comment
Anne marie payne 23 Aug 2016Reply
Paige cameron - Comment
Paige cameron2016年9月11日Reply
Maria - Comment
Maria29 Dec 2016Reply
esther - Comment
Jael - Comment
Jael10 Aug 2017Reply
Mi gato se comio una babosa quiere vomitar pero no puede ... deberia de preocuparme ?
(My cat ate a slug he wants to vomit but he can not ... should I worry?)
Geurwen Owen  - Comment
Geurwen Owen 18 Aug 2017Reply
My cat Huwcun died this morning after eating slugs
Laurie Kallis - Comment
Laurie Kallis2015年04月9日Reply
After falling asleep in leopard slug territory,my cat has been quite ill, seeming poisoned, after licking off the slime trail a slug left on her fur. Not sure if it was the slug slime...but guessing that is the problem.
Melissa - Comment
Sletee - Comment
Sletee22 Nov 2017Reply
djllroy - Comment
djllroy16 Mar 2018Reply
la chimuela murio tras vomitar y espasmos, bajo mucho la temperatura de su cuerpo.
Glynis - Comment
Glynis20 Jul 2018Reply
Got slug pellets cheep not put they down yet, a friend said they worked for her cats, not sure what to do
Terry - Comment
Es totalmente malo, perjudicial para un gato comer una babosa. Además la baba es muy difícil de quitar y pueden asfixiarse. Tengan mucho cuidado!
jodie smith - Comment
jodie smith23 May 2017Reply
my 12 week old kitten just bit a slug I've cleaned her fear and got all the stuff out her mouth should I take her to the vets as she has had none of her jabs yet?
random person - Comment
random person2021年6月5日Reply
Help I live in a pretty old house and it just finished raining a ton so slugs are coming in and my cat was sniffing and touched one. I'm scared she's eaten one. She was also cleaning herself and cleaning the paw she touched the slug with. Should I be worried? I'm scared I really don't want anything to happen to her.
Kate in Oregon - Comment
Kate in Oregon30 Jul 2021Reply
My cats carry slugs into the house on a routine basis. I hate it. I've even seen them eat a few.
They have no symptoms of illness, but I'm glad I learned about the possibility of lungworm, we'll make sure they are wormed regularly.
Judy - Comment
Judy29 Jan 2022Reply
Salt works great. It disintegrate slugs. Just regular table salt, rock salt. I helped a cat that someone had left behind. He didn’t want to come inside. I was feeding and watering him on the porch. Man, do slugs love cat food or maybe they just like crawling all over the food leaving shiny trails of slug juice. I fixed that problem, I started feeding the cat in a SS gravy server. It is a metal bowl with a plate attached underneath. . Like a teacup and saucer, but attached and larger. I poured the dry cat food in the bowl part and salt all around the plate part. Never did the two ingredients meet. The cat was thrilled, I was thrilled for the cat, but it was a nasty looking mess that was really hard to get off and clean.


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