
The Side Effects of Revolution Pet Treatment


Only those who truly care about their families health, search for posts and articles like this one, which highlight the symptoms and potential side effects of different pet treatments. Which is why I know that 君は are a kind and compassionate person, who only wants the best for every member of your family.
さて、私たちを始めようと、私はいつも最悪のものを最初に取り除くのが最善だと感じました。だから、 レボリューションペットトリートメント(そして現在利用可能な他のほとんどの治療法)の潜在的な最悪の副作用について話しましょう。
Muscle Weakness/In-Coordination - In 1% of clinical trials, some pets experienced extreme muscle weakness which lead to difficulty standing or walking. This can happen if your pet gets too large of a dose, or if they have a natural undiagnosed allergy to anything in the treatment. If this happens, your pet will need to see a vet right away. Because of this risk, it is always best to try any new pet treatments in the morning, so that if any adverse reactions appear, you will have plenty of time to get your pet into a vet within the same day.
Rapid Breathing/Panting - Because Revolution enters the blood stream, it can sometimes have a negative effect on your pets heart. In a small minority of pets, this can cause hypertension, which can lead to stroke or heart attach. If you notice these your pet is panting excessively or breathing very rapidly, take them into the near vet as soon as possible.
Muscle Tremors - If you notice that your pet is shaking uncontrollably or experiencing heavy muscle tremors, call your vet and schedule an appointment for as soon as possible.
Skin Burning - Out of 1743 animals tested, less than 2% had an adverse reaction that caused their skin to burn after application of any chemical pet treatments. If you notice that your pets skin appears is covered in a rash, peeling or your pet seems to be in great discomfort around the application site, you will want to take them into a vet right away.
Temporary Hair Loss - More often then not, this happens with animals who already have sensitive skin, and with most of those cases, the sensitive pet is even more in need of pest treatment than pets who are not so sensitive. Though because the pet has sensitive skin, they will sometimes lose some of the fur around the site where you put the treatment. So long as they do not appear to have been burned, they should regrow the hair within a week or two at most.
Digestive Upset - Diarrhea, vomiting and stomach upset are the most common digestive side effects. They can cause your dog or cat to not want to eat or play for a little while until their body has processed the parasiticide. You can help them through these side effects by making sure they drink plenty of fresh distilled water, which will help keep them hydrated and help them process the treatments more easily.
Hyperactivity - When レボリューション
enters your pets bloodstream through their skin, it can sometimes cause them to have an elevated heart beat, as their body deals with the treatments reactions. This will make them anxious, as they will not be sure about what is happening to them, and that is usually what causes the hyper activity. You can help keep them calm by giving them their treatment in a dark and quiet room, and then staying with them for at least 30-45 minutes after the treatment.
Drowsiness - On the other side of the coin, some dogs and cats have seen the alter-reaction to hyperactivity, which is Drowsiness or 無気力. As their body gives into the process of the pest treatments, they might need to sleep while the battle between bugs and love, wages on. If your animal finds themselves with this reaction, the best thing you can do is to help them get comfortable, and then check on them from time to time, to make sure they are still able to get up, walk around a bit and drink some water.
払い落とす - It is recommended that every pet who gets a dose of レボリューション
, gets it right between their shoulder blades, to prevent them from ingesting the medication. That being said, we all know that our pets have a way of reaching the spot, no matter how crafty you try to be, and that means that there is still a chance that they might ingest the treatment.

In most cases, the worst you're going to see is a displeased cat or anxious dog, whom are not very happy to have been treated, but who will be very happy in an hour or so, as they are finally flea and parasite free again.


Dinah - Comment
Dinah31 Jan 2013Reply
これらの症状はレボリューションに排他的であるか、またはすべての逃走治療で同じですか?効果的な逃亡治療が必要なので私は尋ねています。私は無駄な "自然"のものを試して、効果的な代替手段がないというホリスティックな獣医によって言われました。
Ruchi - Comment
Ruchi31 Jan 2013Reply
今の8歳の私の犬は、5歳で2週間ごとに発作を起こし、ノミとダニのコントロール薬として「革命」を始めるまで追跡しました。あなたの犬が "特発性てんかん"を発症しててんかんの原因が特定できない場合、この薬を使用しないでください。原因は革命です。私たちは今食用ピル "Trifexis"を使用しています。彼は現在約9ヶ月間発作を免れています。
Lola - Comment
Lola31 Jan 2013Reply
ここにいます....スタンダードプードル3歳はGrand Malを抱えており、私たちは今のところRevolutionをやめています。あまりにも多くの赤旗と獣医が私たちの選択で乗り込んでいます。
Pam Holt  - Comment
Pam Holt 31 Jan 2013Reply
K.M. Lessing - Comment
K.M. Lessing31 Jan 2013Reply



ペットに薬品を注ぐのをやめてください。 Don Hamilton、DVMの "Cat&Dogsのためのホメオパシーケア"のこの素晴らしい本をチェックしてください。それは多くのペット条件のための自然療法を含み、副作用のないノミのコントロールのための多くの提案があります。

Jennifer & Kitty-kitty - Comment
Jennifer & Kitty-kitty31 Jan 2013Reply
I've used revolution before & I never noticed an issue, but today was different. Very different. I applied the revolution in between Kitty-kitty's shoulder blades & shortly after is when it happened. Now, Kitty is not necessarily a "nice" cat, so her response was an indicator something was wrong. I came into the room & noticed her laying on her back with her legs curled up in the air. Initially, I thought Oh, how sweet. Then, I noticed she had vomit around her mouth, down her cheek, on the top of her head, & all over the sheets. I'm pretty sure she had a seizure. I scooped her up & cleaned her off & she just let me. She started purring & even let me cuddle her. She's been laying in the same spot for hours & each time I check on her she allows me to pet her much longer than she typically would. She's definitely not feeling well & im positive it's from the revolution.
Jess  - Comment
Jess 31 Jan 2013Reply
はい! 2人のプードルが両方とも発作に苦しんでいて、それがレボリューションを与えられたことに戻るのを追跡してください。ストレートアップ毒!
Peggy - Comment
Peggy31 Jan 2013Reply
Watch for any neurological symptoms with Trifexis.....my daughters dog got meningitis and died after using that pill!
Jen - Comment
Jen31 Jan 2013Reply
Any animal can have a reaction to any medicine or vaccine. For example I have never had an issues with flea meds but my dog gets sick with diarrhea after getting the bordatella vaccine. Any time you give your pet a med make sure it's on a weekday so you can bring them to the vet if need be and make sure you will be around for 2 hours to watch them. It sounds like alot but that's just my advice. Also never split doses. Seems some people here who have had bad reactions try to split doses or give too much. Only give the smallest amount needed and only give every 30 days. He'll I'll even go 5 weeks sometimes before I give another dose. In addition don't give meds right after vaccines when your pets immune system is compromised. I also don't think people put two and two together after going to the vet to get flea meds but their pets probably just had vaccines too.
christine smith - Comment
christine smith31 Jan 2013Reply
If anyone out there has an older pet and the vet wants you to use Revolution or any other flea medication on them, please don't and if you have please stop. I have had several CKD cats and even if a small portion of a topical flea med was given they all had a worsening of their kidney related symptoms for some time. Even if your cat has good kidneys that can change fast with toxic chemicals so do not chance it. Go and get capstar and use it once a week for a few weeks then every two weeks. The cat may scratch and get upset because the fleas bite when they are dying but it is not so hard on their system.
Eduard - Comment
Eduard31 Jan 2013Reply
Hi there, my kitten also had two seizures tonight. Im so upset.
Marcia - Comment
Marcia31 Jan 2013Reply
We used Trifexis on our Shit zu at the insistence of vet. Ok for sbmonth or two then more snd more side effects until it almost killed him and we said no more!
Andrew Lanutti - Comment
Andrew Lanutti31 Jan 2013Reply
I use natural vanilla oil and other natural oils that i rub or spray on my cats. I never use any of those products and all my cats from my past and I have had many never had flea or tick issues and all lived to be 12-15 years old. Just like human pharma..it is profit driven. besides the one time I did use it my cat foamed at the mouth. never.
Gina - Comment
Gina31 Jan 2013Reply
Jen - Comment
Jen31 Jan 2013Reply
Nancy Rhodes - Comment
Nancy Rhodes31 Jan 2013Reply
What do you do to restrengthen the wind weakness?
Suzanne Bowling - Comment
Suzanne Bowling31 Jan 2013Reply
Revolution caused my dog heart damage and we had too put her down, dont use this stuff..its poision..
s. craig - Comment
s. craig31 Jan 2013Reply
Cats generally live to be 19 or 20 years old if not using flea medication on a regular basis. Mine all have, but finally I used Revolution on them when they had bad fleas and both got Cancer at 19 and 20 years of age. Of course I can't draw a straight line to the revolution, which does kill fleas, but it's a prime suspect. If your cat is vomiting afterward, has sore patch from it and especially if convulsing, take immediately to a vet even if you have to pay from a credit card and go into debt temporarily.
St - Comment
St31 Jan 2013Reply
Interesting! My cat had the opposite experience, I will never buy Advantage or any OTC meds again and I stick with revolution or simple guard only now. Just as humans, we all differ!
sylvia davis - Comment
sylvia davis31 Jan 2013Reply
I have had three different male cats get cancer and die. The common denominator was I used Revolution on two of them and Frontline on one. The cat I did NOT use a topical solution on lived to be 18. I'm connecting cancer to topical anti-flea solutions.
Sharon - Comment
Sharon31 Jan 2013Reply
I will never use again I have a beautiful little Pomeranian. Hair almost to floor and full under coat. 2 days after use started loosing her under coat rash and itching She has of now lost all of under coat and has bald spots. I am a very unhappy costumer. She was a championship show dog in her younger days.
Caren  - Comment
Caren 31 Jan 2013Reply
Hello you said that you use Natural vanilla another natural oils which ones other do u use And do you use that for the fleas and ticks does itt work
robert smistik - Comment
robert smistik31 Jan 2013Reply
Main reason for taking revolution is to prevent heartworm in cats.
susancraig - Comment
susancraig31 Jan 2013Reply
What is the "opposite reaction"? I said that my cats both suddenly got cancer when 19 and 20 after using Revolution. I also said that it does kill fleas. Are they still well? Hopefully so.
Mickey - Comment
Mickey31 Jan 2013Reply
Did your dog continue to stay seizure free after that?
Pet Bucket - Comment
ペットバケツ31 Jan 2013Reply
chris - Comment
chris31 Jan 2013Reply
I have had a lot of cats over the years and have never had one die from an antibiotic, although I have from Revolution (more than once). Used way more antibiotics over the years than I have revolution as well.
Brenda Golovchenko - Comment
Brenda Golovchenko23 May 2017Reply
Robert - Comment
そのうちの3人はRevolutionの副作用を示さない、私はビーグルにRevolutionを与えるようになった4月に11月4yrsの古い、清潔な請求書の月にビーグルを手に入れ、カップル日後に私が知っている前の所有者 - 発作の履歴は決してありません。

インターネットで読んだり、場合によっては - はい、発作が報告されています。私はこれを私の調査結果を知らせる会社に連絡します。その後、ビーグルはまだ健康です、獣医は私が発作のために何もできない、あなたの犬のためだけにそこにいると言います。私の犬のための革命はもうありません。
Terry Cascimo  - Comment
Terry Cascimo 2013年9月18日Reply
それで私の小さなチワワと同じこと - 私は彼女がフロントラインの話題の後に投げたので、半分の用量で4年間nexguardとハートガードを使っていました。その後、最後の訪問には、ノースショアの技術者は、彼らが毒であると言って彼女にそのMedsを売ることを断った。彼女は革命を起こすべきだ。彼らは私に次のガードと心臓保護を4年間売っていたので、私は拒否しました。彼はさらに、背中に行って、それが獣医が言ったことだと主張した。
約2分後、私は彼女が何年も遊んでいたかを見たいと思っていて、彼女は床に発作していました。恐ろしいことに、口に泡立ちました。彼女は、彼女のルーチンで唯一の別のものとして言及したとき、彼女は発作を停止するために、完全な12時間のために、多くのケプラ、フェノバルビタール&バリリウムを取った - そして、最初の獣医割引割引革命。
彼女のケアを引き継いだ3番目の獣医は、彼女の血液の仕事とすべてを正常に - t4、肝臓(道徳に近い)など - 彼はそれが起こった可能性があったもう一度使用してください。彼女はフェノバルビタールを数週間かけてゆっくりと離乳させて、発作がないことを確認します。しかし、私は、非常に多くの人が非常に多くの人々が犬と発作の後に不平を言うことに不満を持ち、それが主な副作用として出てこないということを十分に強調することはできません。
Marsha - Comment
I have a dog I used it on just one time same problem, except he has continued to have seizures. He has had 3 now. Did your dog wean off the anti seizure med ok, anymore seizures after that? I have read the meds are lifelong. My other choice is MRI cost is about $3,500.00
Leanne - Comment
私の2.5ボクサーは最後の夜に崩壊した。私は前夜に彼にRevolutionを適用しました。私の獣医は、安全で非常にまれな副作用であると私に確信させました。昨夜私が倒れたときに私の犬を失ったと思った。ありがたいことに彼は戻って病院に彼を急いで行きました。彼らは何が間違っていたのかわかりませんでした。私はこの農薬が彼の暴力的な健康変化の原因であることを強く感じています。 :(
Lisa - Comment
We have been using revolution on our inside rescue dog and now she’s having seizures, in bad pain, lethargic, etc. How can we get this poison off the market? We had a Pomeranian years ago that went through the same problem but didn’t understand why? But we understand clearly that Revolution is poison to our fur babies!
Shelley - Comment
Shelley08 Jul 2014Reply
Scott - Comment
Scott14 Jul 2014Reply
Shawn - Comment
Shawn14 Jul 2014Reply
Brenda - Comment
Brenda14 Jul 2014Reply
外出していない私の大人の猫は、獣医によって27.1ポンドで体重を測定されたので、大規模な動物実験が行われました。経験豊富なすべてのあなたがリストした同じ症状...ひどいくしゃみ、倦怠感、呼吸困難、発熱、食べないし、ごみ箱を使用しません。獣医師は、技術が彼の体重を間違っていることに気づいた。彼は体重が15ポンドしかなかったので、革命と副作用の両方を重視した。獣医はそれが呼吸器感染症であり、革命に関係していないと考えている。しかし、インターネット調査の後、それは革命のために最も確実です。昨日、家庭で亜嚢液を行い、リジン抗ウイルス剤を服用し、抗生物質を服用しなければなりませんでした。私は鮮やかです。今日の獣医訪問 - 彼らは治療するが、私はその医療過誤のために支払わない。スコット - あなたのペットに起こったことをフォローアップしてください。
Infinite - Comment
Infinite14 Jul 2014Reply
loretta feldner - Comment
loretta feldner14 Jul 2014Reply
猫は食べる必要があるか、腎臓が閉鎖し始める! 48時間以上も食べていなければ、貧しい子猫を別の獣医に連れて行ってください。それは命を脅かす可能性があります。そして評判の良い獣医は、あなたの猫が有害反応を示し、臨床的にそのように扱うことを認識します....
tanya nuss - Comment
tanya nuss14 Jul 2014Reply
Pippin - Comment
Pippin14 Jul 2014Reply
Jamie - Comment
Jamie14 Jul 2014Reply
こんにちはスコット私はこれは古い投稿ですが、私の猫はsomilar反応を持っている - 私はどのくらいそれは最後でしたか?
Kay - Comment
Kay14 Jul 2014Reply
I am having a problem with my persion cat. I started using Revolution on him about 1 - 2 years ago. Since then he has had sneezing fits, runny nose, and weight loss. I just took him to the vet, after going to several that just said wipe his nose, and he did blood tests and nothing wrong and also diabetes test and that came back ok. He got a steroid shot and allergy shot last week and the sneezing has let up but coming back a little. I gave him Revolution about a month ago and due again. I am just wondering if this is not the cause of this. I will not be giving him the Revolution. Sounds like a link to his problems. Thanks for posting this.
K B - Comment
K B14 Jul 2014Reply
If he sneezes a lot he could have feline herpes. It sounds weird, but that's what my mom's cat had. He just needs meds sprinkled on top of his wet food twice a day. He likes the taste, so it is an easy fix. Don't worry, they can't be transferred to humans.
susan craig - Comment
susan craig14 Jul 2014Reply
Any time you have doctors, whether vets or the kind for humans, selling a product for which they most likely receive a perk or outright payment, there is a huge temptation to ignore the side effects of a medication they are involved with selling. It's the same problem for doctors for humans. These doctors are reimbursed for chemotherapy and/or radiation. These treatments for cancer are the only ones for which doctors are directly reimbursed. I know someone who had cancer, refused chemo and radiation, but did have cancer tumors surgically removed and is cancer free seven years later.
christina - Comment
ANNa - Comment
Pamela Riek - Comment
Pamela Riek2015年04月9日Reply

絶対に必要な場合にのみ、私は有機ノミコントロールとFrontlineまたはAdvantageをアドバイスします。このものは最初の1週間しか働かないので、有毒な援助をしているかどうかにかかわらず、ノミの衛生は絶対に必要です。日光またはUV光が30秒間の暴露で卵と幼虫を殺します。ノミトラップが機能する! http://flolepetmind.wordpress.com/で私のブログの有機ノミコントロールを見てください
Tracy - Comment
chrs - Comment
Dana - Comment
I switched from MultiAdvantage to Revolution mainly due to price...having 12 cats to treat. Never had a reaction on any of the cats with the Advantage. The vet gave me two large doses of Revolution for dogs along with a syringe marked for a cat dose. I used the Revolution for two months on my cats and now my 12 year old Maine Coon cat is dying. Taken him twice to the vet and all they did was give him a shot for pain and one to stimulate his appetite. I failed to notice the change in his usual Tigger self and now feel it was due to the use of Revolution. All my cats are strictly indoor cats but one who only goes outside when I am at home and outside with her. None of the other cats have shown adverse reactions but I am not going to take any more chances. The death of Tigger is just too much...he was my best bud!
Sharyn Luedke - Comment
Sharyn Luedke2015年04月9日Reply
My 8 year old cat developed kidney problems and blood in the urine. Stopped eating and drinking. Have been giving revolution more regularly. Indoor cat. Very healthy. Wondered if it could be the revolution?
Christine - Comment
Maureen Cook - Comment
Maureen Cook2015年22月9日Reply
うわー。彼女はそれが過敏症2を持っているので、 Dawn Dish Soapと暖かい水で区切ってお勧めします。
Jen - Comment
Check ehere you applied it first. If there is an slkerguc reaction the area you applied it will be red and irritated and your dog will have little bumps called hives. However if your dog also has fleas the revolution will start killing them making them twitch around and that can also be why your dog is itchy.
Kim - Comment
Kim06 Dec 2014Reply
Karen - Comment
Karen06 Dec 2014Reply
joy - Comment
joy06 Dec 2014Reply
こんにちはカレン、私はあなたのポストが2歳だと知っていますが、それがどのようになったのか疑問に思っています - 私は3#chiとVetを持っています。彼女がレボリューションに乗りたがっていて、私はそれを恐れている。
助けを感謝する - 喜び
Dan - Comment
Dan28 Dec 2014Reply
Nicole Whigham - Comment
Nicole Whigham28 Dec 2014Reply
Maureen - Comment
Maureen28 Dec 2014Reply
そのアレルギー反応。 Beleive it or Not動物は人間のようにアレルギー反応を起こすことがあります。夜明けの石鹸と温水でそれを洗い流すだけで、ベナドリルにも同様に獣医に行き、家で簡単にケアできるアレルギー反応の大量の請求書を持ってくることを避けることができます
Jones Guest - Comment
Jones Guest28 Dec 2014Reply
It's not medication. Medicine treats the patient. It's a pesticide that targets a parasite. It's a tough decision - get rid of the fleas to prevent possible disease but at risk of causing harm to your pet. And no one really explains the chances of disease vs pesticide reaction. Though the fleas can get so bad that it can definitely be a quality of life issue for everyone in the family. Natural remedies can be just as dangerous since many are essential oils that cats can't break down in the body, meaning they are toxic to their organs. There's got to be a better way. Right now topical treatments are a necessary evil. I usually wait until there is evidence of fleas then treat my cats.
Lori - Comment
Lori27 Jan 2015Reply
sean - Comment
sean27 Jan 2015Reply
Vicky - Comment
Vicky28 Jan 2015Reply
私は革命を2週間前に私の猫の2匹に入れました。 1つはちょうどいいようです。もう一つは彼女の側に髪の毛の広い領域を持っていると彼女は明らかに噛ま/舐めている腹???オフ。これが彼女に起こったのはこれが二回目です。最初は家に新しい猫を導入したときでした。私はそれがそれに対する神経質な反応だと思った。今、私はそれがRevolutionと関係があるかもしれないと思っています。脱毛は、投薬の適用が行われた場所の近くではありません。私は再び製品を使用する予定はありません。
Darlene - Comment
Darlene28 Jan 2015Reply
Diana - Comment
Diana28 Jan 2015Reply
私の猫も髪を失っているようです。 3週間前に拠点に青(革命と同じ)を与えて以来、手入れが行き届いています。これは毎月の治療であるため、月末に状況が改善することを期待しています。私は彼にこれを再び与えていない。
Maureen - Comment
Maureen28 Jan 2015Reply
M - Comment
M28 Jan 2015Reply
Anais23 - Comment
Anais2328 Jan 2015Reply
Usually revolution is given once every 30 days. It would be an overdose to give it once, and then again two days later.
Dan'L - Comment
Dan'L29 Jan 2015Reply
Erin - Comment
Erin29 Jan 2015Reply
Liz - Comment
Liz25 Feb 2015Reply
Nicole Whigham  - Comment
Nicole Whigham 28 Feb 2015Reply
Carolle McCutchen - Comment
Carolle McCutchen09 Mar 2015Reply
Annie - Comment
Annie09 Mar 2015Reply
Susie - Comment
Susie02 Apr 2015Reply
Tracy - Comment
Tracy05 Apr 2015Reply
無気力。私は彼が彼の正常な自己に戻ることを願っています。とても悲しい。 :(
Barbara - Comment
Barbara10 Apr 2015Reply
michelle - Comment
michelle10 Apr 2015Reply
あなたが私に尋ねる気にならないなら、血行はどうだった?私は先週私の猫に与えた、1歳だけ、彼女は食べていなかった、私は彼女を獣医に連れて行った。血糖値は非常に低かった。 30歳の女性は、一度そのAY 70歳以上のパスを言った。彼女はそれが夜を悲しんで投げたようにしなかった。
Erin - Comment
Erin13 Apr 2015Reply
Lisa - Comment
Lisa13 Apr 2015Reply
I put revolution on my 2 cats in Aug. 5 weeks later they were itching again so I tried advantage 11. A day after the advantage I found scabs on my cats where I had put the revolution! I had no idea both my babies were burned from the revolution! I put it between the shoulder blades as directed & that's where they both were burned. The advantage is suppose to go at the base of the skull. It was fine with no recactions. I will never use revolution again. I'm sick about what happened to them
Francesca - Comment
Francesca13 Apr 2015Reply
Well I wouldn't apply revolution AND advantage. That's two flea meds. It stinks that revolution does not do ticks (and advantage doesn't do heart worm) id still try to find something that doesn't overlap medicines or separate by 2 weeks at least.
Lisa  - Comment
Lisa 13 Apr 2015Reply
The Advantage was applied FIVE WEEKS after revolution. The revolution burned the skin on both of my cats. Advantage worked fine. I've used Revolution many times thru the years but not on the 2 cats i have now. I'll never use it again
Jamie - Comment
Jamie23 May 2017Reply
Sharyn Luedke - Comment
Sharyn Luedke23 May 2017Reply
Hope you took your cat to vet. If he was hiding under bed he was probably Getting ready to die. Hope he made it.
Valery  - Comment
Valery 23 May 2017Reply
Jamie, hi. Please help, I have same situation with my cat!! What do I need to do??? And tell me how is your cat doing???
Ah - Comment
Ah23 May 2017Reply
私は2匹の犬と7匹の猫に何の問題もなく何年も革命を起こしてきました。それ以前は、私はFosterのママとしてドキュメントを扱っていたため、利点を生かせました。若い動物を購入し、分割して使用する方がはるかに簡単です。しかし、私はいつも動物がアドバイスをして少し眠気に陥っていることを発見しました....そして、動物が泳ぐか入浴するごとに平均余命が落ちます。一般に、革命では、壊れた肌に正しく適用されている限り、そこから最も安全なノミ/ダニ/ワームメディウムです。あなたの動物が悪いノミを持っていて、キャリアコンポーネントを傷つけている場合、少量のアルコールが皮膚の刺激を引き起こし、髪が脱落する可能性があります。おそらく、動物は引っかき傷を負っていて、まずは皮膚の炎症を起こしていました....刺激されるまで小さな発疹が見えないようにしてから、良いノミに留まる限り癒される可能性がある疥癬や脱毛是正し、再調査されることはありません:)。私は革命への反応がある場合、薬が吸収されてから2時間以内にペットに触れることは安全だと分かっています。数日または数週間後には、薬を混乱させる可能性があります。利点はいつでも洗い流すことができず、効能を低下させる可能性があります。ペットショップの局所的な(首に)ブランドは買うべきではありません。私は人々が私に腹を立てて、それが彼らのために副作用なしで働くと言いますが、いつもあなたの獣医からノミトリートメントを受けます。そして最後に、単純な症状はノミのない結果かもしれません。彼らが癒している間、古い咬みからの貧血、掻きと痂皮。あなたの血液や動物の少ない小さな血液を吸っているのに、何千という動物たちがいると想像してみてください。あなたも疲れているでしょう!最後に革命はノミや幼虫、卵を動物や環境に殺すのに99%効果があり、ノミを取り除く間に苦しみ続けるようにあなたの赤ちゃんを噛んだ大人を殺すだけです。あなたは数学をする。革命は良いプロダクト - 利点は素晴らしい第2選択です。それは同じではありませんペットショップから購入しないでください!そして、はい、人がペニシリンにアレルギーを起こすような例外は常にあります - 犬はノミの治療薬に敏感かもしれませんが、最初の試みでそれを割り引かないでください。最初の1ヶ月はノミの咬傷の反応かアプリケーションエラーです。獣医に助けを依頼してください。そこにすべての毛皮の赤ちゃんへの幸運とluv!
Peacedove - Comment
Peacedove23 May 2017Reply
Why do u say vet flea treatments are different from off the counter? Thks
Deborah Spiggle - Comment
Deborah Spiggle23 May 2017Reply
Brooke - Comment
Brooke23 May 2017Reply
Linda Stidem - Comment
Linda Stidem2015年6月5日Reply
私は土曜日に私の13歳半のメイン・クーン・レボリューションを与えました。その夜、彼はうまくいくように見えました。私は週末のうちに働いていましたが、私の猫を何度もチェックしました。私は月曜日の朝に家に帰って、家族の緊急事態を離れなければならない。彼は奇妙な行動に気付かなかったが、早朝だったので、彼は寝ていた。私は木曜日の夜に家に帰って、彼は後ろ足で驚いていました。彼らはちょうどうまくいかないようでした。彼は獣医に連れて行って、椎間板が損傷していて、おそらく神経学的な問題があると言われました。彼は着実に悪化した。食べたり飲んだりしないでください。彼にサブクラス液を与えようと試みましたが、彼は前足で感情をすべて失ってしまい、後ろ足が失われました。私は彼をトイレット・ボックスに入れなければならなかった。 X線や血液検査のために数回にわたり獣医に渡され、脳卒中を患っている可能性があり、凝固塊を投げかけている可能性があると言われました。私は彼が5月12日に寝る必要があった、彼は彼の頭を保持することができず、全く彼の足に気分がなかった。私はRevolutionの1回の投与を試みる前に彼は大丈夫でした。私はいつもAvantageを使いましたが、私の獣医は、彼らが同じものであり、両方を持ちたいと思わなかったので、彼らがそれを落としたと言っていました。私は以前に接続していませんでしたが、今はそれがRevolutionのその用量だったのか疑問に思い始めました。私は他の猫でも最初の用量の影響を受けていないような気がしても、それを再び使用しません。私はそのチャンスを逃すことはできません。
Linda Stidem - Comment
Linda Stidem2015年6月5日Reply
Dana - Comment
Experienced the same effect of Revolution on my 12 year old Maine Coon, Tigger. I didn't make the connection to Revolution until I looked on my dry erase board as to when I applied it to my cats. I had always used MultiAdvantage but it gets expensive when treating 12 cats! The vet said I could get two large canine doses and use a metered syringe for the cats...I have only used Revolution twice and now realize that is when Tigger's usual behavior changed. He stopped jumping into the bed at night, stopped playing, laid around a lot more. I just realized it too late.
Kristina - Comment
Sorry about previous comment, I see your baby passed. Any information is really appreciated.
Vikki - Comment
Kelly - Comment
私の5歳の女性は、昨年の夏のすべてを彼女の鼻と耳で掘り起こしました。彼女は鼻、耳、さらには腹にも傷や痂皮を持っていました。獣医は、反応していた皮膚の生検を送った。結果はアレルギー反応として戻った。私は、彼女が初めて彼女に使った時の春まで、その反応が革命に起因していると思ったことはありませんでした。(私は冬に彼女に与えてくれませんでした。彼女はアプリケーションに強く抵抗した(そして壊れた肌はなかった)。彼女はまた、残りの週に彼女に触れたときにとても敏感に思えました。だから、私は革命を見つけようとし始めました、そして今、それから離れて、彼女の肌がきれいになるかどうかを見ようとしています。私は何事もホリスティックなんです - ノミはこの薬で彼女を苦しめるよりも優れています!
Lana - Comment
Marlouw - Comment
May Read  - Comment
May Read 2015年6月5日Reply
Vicky - Comment
土曜日に私の二歳のShih TzuでRevolutionを使用しました。 6月20日と日曜日の午後、彼女は眠そうだった。月曜日、彼女はすべての食べ物を捨て始め、いくつかの便を失いました。火曜日に彼女を獣医に連れて行ったが、いくつかのテストをするために千ドルを費やすことを選択しなかった。それは水曜日であり、彼女はまだ非常に疲労していて食事をしていません。私は彼女に最初にそれを私の指に置き、彼女がそのようにそれを舐めるようにして、少し水を飲むようになった。私はこれが彼女に起こったことがとても気分が悪い。今、彼女はその少量の水の後に再び投げつけています。
Pamela - Comment
Pamela09 Jul 2015Reply
Tony - Comment
Tony15 Jul 2015Reply
not happy - Comment
not happy03 Aug 2015Reply
Nlane - Comment
Nlane29 Aug 2015Reply
Cathy - Comment
私には12匹の猫がいる。私は昨日、ノミの咬傷にアレルギーのある犬と一緒に獣医に行きました。獣医は、主にアウトドアとNexcareを犬に飼っているので、私はRevolutionをすべての猫に使用するよう提案しました。 12匹の猫のうち1匹のみが問題を抱えており、彼は犬と一緒にノミの咬傷にアレルギー反応を起こしている。彼は飲んで食べているが、数回は嘔吐している。私は同時にすべての猫を投与し、24時間後には、1匹を除くすべての猫はきれいに見える。私は17匹の猫と2匹の猫を持っていますので、それは大きな範囲です。私はこの製品を一度も使用していないので、彼らがうまくいくことを望んでいます。
Eve Moss - Comment
Eve Moss2015年12月9日Reply
こんにちは、私たちはいつもDrontalをワームに、Advantageをノミにしてきましたが、ノミやワームを扱ったことはありませんでした。その後、MilbemaxとRevolutionに紹介されました。ノミはちょうど続行します。彼らは死なず、卵は波の中で孵化し続けます。 MilbemaxとRevolutionを与えられた後、私の6ヶ月の古い子猫は、病気、嗜眠、食べたくない、常に投げようとする、ゲージ、遊びたくない、ただ寝る。バランスが悪く、時々転倒します。それらは2つの厄介な薬であり、彼らは市場から離れるべきです、彼らは動物を病気にし、これらの薬はノミやワームで働いていません。私は決してこれらの薬をもう一度使用して、DrontalとAdvantageを使用するつもりで、非常に安全です。 AdvantageとDrontalを作った会社は、MEGAのためにありました!年!非常に信頼されている会社です!そして、薬は素晴らしい&安全!ペットのために。
marlouw - Comment
私は同意する、私は再びこの製品を使用することはありません、私はph / companyは市場からこの薬を取るべきだと思います。
Laura - Comment
andrea - Comment
Catherine Krostek - Comment
Catherine Krostek09 Dec 2015Reply
私はアラバマ州の子犬工場から救出されたポメラニアンを採用しました。私は10月3日からLillyを持っていました。私は彼女が2週間前に風呂に入っていたように彼女の体を揺らしていたことに気づいた。私は追跡調査のために推奨されているように、今夜彼女を獣医に連れて戻し、生きている耳のダニはなくても反復投与を勧めました。私は彼女が13ポンドであるので少し心配しましたが、私はあなたの獣医を信頼しなければならないか、彼らに行くことはないので、12月8日火曜日の午後6時頃に2回目の投与をしましょう。午後11時30分ごろ、リリーさんの頭が揺れ始めました。彼女は動揺していなかったと私はそれが異なっていたことがわかった唯一のものは、革命の線量でした。私の獣医はすでに閉鎖されていたので、私はその地域で最も近い24時間の動物病院に電話をし、今夜彼女を見守ると言いました。もしそれが止まらなかったり、新しい症状が現れたら、 。過去2時間で、私は多くの研究を行い、彼女が経験していたことが「特発性頭部の振戦」と呼ばれ、同じ症状の犬のビデオを見た。私が見つけた一般的な情報は落ち着いていると言われ、犬は怒らず、犬やおもちゃで注意をそらすことはありません。私はこれらの症状は、イヌが心臓ワームの薬で治療された後にしばしば起こることを発見しました。 12月9日午前1時30分を過ぎた今、2時間オン・オフしていて、時には目を覚ます。私はもっ​​と驚いているだろうが、起きている間に彼女は起きて食べていて、彼女は今、私の隣に寝ている。私はいくつかの人々が同じ症状で書いたので、私はこれを共有することにしました。ありがとう!
Angela - Comment
Angela05 Apr 2016Reply
RW - Comment
RW05 Apr 2016Reply
RW - Comment
RW14 Apr 2016Reply

Joanne Haynes - Comment
Joanne Haynes14 Apr 2016Reply
VetH8R - Comment
VetH8R14 Apr 2016Reply
Glenn McKnight - Comment
Glenn McKnight27 Apr 2016Reply
Jessica - Comment
Jessica27 Apr 2016Reply
Teresa - Comment
Teresa23 May 2017Reply
sharond - Comment
Kristin - Comment
Kimberly - Comment
モーガンタウンの動物園から購入した新しい8週齢の子猫は、革命を受けてから5時間後に死亡しました。治療に先立ち、彼女はノミに感染し、ワームの治療を受けていました。ワームの薬は耐性があるようだった。しかし、彼女の便はゆったりしていて水気になった。彼らは1日ほどワームの治療後に確認した。獣医が便を点検し、寄生虫が見られなかった後、私たちはプロバイオティクスを与え始めました。私は昨夜4時に起きて、彼女は階下を呼び出す子猫を見た。私は彼女を階段の底に見つけた。彼女はまだ私の目に焦点を当てることができたが、彼女の呼吸は非常に浅かった。 30分以内に彼女の目が曇り、彼女の呼吸は息を呑むほどに鋭く息を吐き、息を吐き出した。私は午前5時に緊急獣医師に電話しましたが、私が勧めているものは何もありませんでした。私は彼女を失うことを知っていた。私は彼女を慰めようとしていて、彼女は彼女が一人ではないことを知らせました。彼女は午前6時頃に最後の息をした。私は子猫を失ったことはありません。私は彼女の死と革命との間に関連性があることは間違いない。彼女は食欲の消失と便の緩みによって弱くなっていた。今私はキャンプにいない娘に伝えなければなりません。エコーは彼女の子猫だった。とても悲しいです!
Sandra - Comment

Nikki - Comment
Nikki04 Jul 2016Reply
Sonia - Comment
Sonia03 Aug 2016Reply
私は彼らの便の中でワームを見た後に私の子猫に革命を与えた。私は別の両親、女性7ヶ月と男性4ヶ月の両方から2つの子猫があります。私の獣医は、革命のカップルを数回提案しました。私は私の研究を行い、あなたに知らせると言いました。最後に、ラウンドウォームの発見のために、私は研究をしてから製品について知ってから、私にそれを販売した人と一緒に行くことにしました。私は指示されたようにYouTubeでビデオを見ました。彼らはそれを舐めて傷つけるためにそれに到達しようとしていた最初の30分間はそれを好きではなかったが、私はそれらを別々にしなければならなかったので、 1時間かそこらの後、彼らは正常に戻った。私は4ヶ月齢の男性が胃を動かすことを除いて、何らかの行動変化に気付きませんでした。小さなものがそのような刺激的な匂いを放つことができるとは想像できません。 1週間後、フォローアップショットのためにVet toに戻り、Vetは1週間後に第2回目の回転量を与えて、すべてのワームが殺されたことを確認し、
Oo ???


Ginger - Comment
生姜03 Aug 2016Reply
Sonia - Comment
Sonia03 Aug 2016Reply



Dorothy - Comment
Dorothy22 Aug 2016Reply
私のショックは私たちの動物に何をしているのかを読むためにショックを受けています。私の犬は7歳で、今は5年前に革命を受けました。私は、乾いた肌が肌を癒し、肌を癒し、いくつかの服を着ていることを知っています。私たちは、私たちの場所が乾いていることを伝えています。私は4週間、毎週彼を浴びなければならないと言っています。私の肌は、この製品を彼に戻すことをやめてもらえません。 IAALSOの通知を受けた後、私はそれを最初に聞いてこの問題を起こすことになっています。
Victor  - Comment
Victor 2016年9月20日Reply
Christine - Comment
Marie - Comment
Kristina - Comment
Hello, I really hope you see my message and reply. I put revolution on my 19 year old cat and an hour later her right back leg went out on her. she really cannot stand or walk. blood work looks good. Still eating/drinking purring and talking to me. She lays in one spot. They are afraid to give her fluids as they do not want to create hypertension. Please let me know if your cat is okay and can walk now. Thank you!!
Kenny - Comment
私は3匹中2匹に革命の治療法を与えました。 3番目はまだそれを得るために小さいです。彼女は他のネコと接触してドミノから病気になることができますか?お互いの周りやお互いに遊ぶときのように
Wendi - Comment
私には2匹の小さな犬がいる。 1つは革命に見えます。誰にも非常に敏感な相手は、たびに制御不能に揺れます。私は彼女に2度与えただけですが、同じ反応を両方の時間に与えました。彼女に再びそれを与えることはありません。助言がありますか?
Gina maxey - Comment
Gina maxey18 Nov 2016Reply
Lynn - Comment
Lynn19 Nov 2016Reply
Alexandra Collins - Comment
Alexandra Collins31 Dec 2016Reply
私は昨日獣医に猫を連れて行ったが、彼女は "ノミの糞"(水に当たったときに赤くなる小さな黒いスペック)が現れたが、活動的なノミはなかった。私は家の中のいずれかを見つけることができないので、獣医は予防的革命治療を提案した。私は同意する前に研究をしたかったと思う。それ以来、彼女は非常に倦怠感がありました。
Norma - Comment
Norma04 Jan 2017Reply
Claraboo - Comment
Claraboo12 Jan 2017Reply
lisa Reynolds - Comment
lisa Reynolds04 Feb 2017Reply
Jess  - Comment
Jess 25 Feb 2017Reply
その真っ直ぐな毒。 Heartguardの代わりにRevolutionに切り替えた後、2頭の犬が発作を起こしました。それは遅れた応答であり、発作は数ヶ月後であった。血液検査は正常に戻り、特発性てんかんと表示されました。それ以降数年間彼らに与えなかったし、再び発作を起こしたことはなかった。今年私たちは冬の冬の終わりにそれらを1度与えました。そして確かに両方が2,3ヶ月後に発作を起こしました。一致?私はそうは思わない!これは神経毒であり、すべての犬が副作用(即時または遅延)を受けることなくシステムから排除する能力を有するわけではない。
Linda Smigelski - Comment
Linda Smigelski03 Apr 2017Reply
Fran - Comment
christine - Comment
I have an American Staffordshire terrier, he is 11 months now. I applied advantix spot on and noticed that his back hair (on spine) where I applied the spot on fell. I read that this could be a side effect from the spot. How long does it take for his hair to grow back?
Jen - Comment
sidney lucas  - Comment
sidney lucas 14 Jul 2017Reply
gave my 3 year old cat revolution a couple weeks ago he developed a lump on the side of his neck went to the vet gave him a shot of steroids and antibiotics . did ok for a few days now he is back to not eating or drinking not using litter and is sleeping 23 hours a day . he is a in door cat never goes outside . he weighed 17,6 lbs and now weighs 12,2 in a weeks time . and when at the vets blood work came back fine
Rosie - Comment
Rosie19 Jul 2017Reply
After 3 rounds of flea meds my 6 year old cat was never the same again and 8 months later he died :( RIP Mr kitty.
He lost weight lost his appetite became unsteady and one morning he woke me up crying and non responsive. Rushed him to the hospital where they told me they believed it to be a blood clot in his brain. I think it was the flea meds that killed him. My heart aches for him everyday.
grwillis617@yahoo.com - Comment
私の獣医は、保護されたsiamese catの中の私の1歳の猫に革命を加え、24時間以内に107の体温を保った。彼は氷の上で3日間、獣医事務所に滞在し、より多くの薬を飲んだ。私はついに彼を家に連れて、彼が死ぬのを待った。私は彼が彼に服用したすべての薬を彼から取り出した。私の獣医は、それは革命であり、6ヶ月後に彼らは本当に私が再び革命を試みるべきだと思っていたことはないと言いました。彼は死んだ。私が電話して獣医を見に行ったとき、彼らは私に戻ってこないように頼んだ。
James - Comment
James18 Aug 2017Reply
A stray was mauled by a dog owner who doesn;'t leash.Took stray to my vet, he had to have surgery so he stayed there a week. I mentioned flea problem with my kitties at home. Vet recommended Revlution. I gave one kitty her dose, 5 days later, I got another four kitties their dose. The first kitty was lethargic until day 5 when her kidney was giving out, per a vet visit. He said feline leukemia. I put her down after a wonderful afternoon doing all things she loved. Been 3 days since I dosed the four kitties. ALL are lethargic, will not eat, walk, purr, or give me lovings. They best be ok or I will be having a serious convo with my vet. $850 later and possible 5 dead kitties. Will definitely be getting copy of the bloodwork papers on my one kitty who went to heaven on 8/15/17. I love you, forever, Mocha.

The STRAY CAT who had jaw surgery was in a week, so he didn't get a dose of Revolution.


James - Comment
James18 Aug 2017Reply
I read previous comments and saw the water/honey recommendation. Out of honey, so I used water/100% pure cane sugar, half of each, and have given two cats about 10 ml. each.

One is up walking around now, about an hour later and wanted treats. Other is still sleeping. Will keep this updated.
Connie - Comment
Connie18 Aug 2017Reply
How did the other kitties make out??
Linda - Comment
Linda31 Aug 2017Reply
I had been dosing my dog, Sadie, with Revolution since she was 6 months old. In June, 2016 she had her first episode. She lost coordination, couldn't walk, stiffened, then her head began to shake back and forth, she shook from head to toe. After about 2-3 minutes she returned to normal, but she threw up. She had another episode about 2 weeks later, then nothing for 6 months. Then it started again, about once a month. When I took her to the vet, the doctor said she needed to start anti-seizure meds. We both agreed to give it one more month. The following month I gave her the Revolution dose, and she had an episode about 5 hours later. And that's when it hit me. Could it be the Revolution? I spoke to her doctor, and he told me to stop the Revolution. She had a very mild episode about one month following her last dose of Revolution, and hasn't had one since. The moral to this story is, it took ME to figure out that Revolution was causing these episodes. Her doctor said that she is the first case he has seen with this reaction to Revolution. I hesitated to put her on anti-seizure meds because these meds become a life time commitment, and they only treat the symptom. After reading all the entries to this blog, I see that many dogs and cats have horrible reactions to this drug. It should be outlawed.
David - Comment
Used the Topical Brevacto for medium sized cat yesterday only but to find my cat twitching and crying on the floor this morning. She was surrounded by fur and a large chemical burn on the back of her neck. Waiting for the Vets to open. Must be one of those <2% to="" have="" a="" negative="" reaction.="">
Linda - Comment
So sorry, David. These drugs are horrible. Let us know what the Vet says, and I wish your kitty a full recovery.
Christi - Comment
My 6 year old cat had the PU surgery and had chronic UTI's since. With being said I asked my current vet and my old vet if Revolution would be safe since he's not a healthy cat.. Both said yes. Almost emmediatley started having seizure like twitching and severe tremors in his head and front legs and he slobbers. This is now permanent and a year later he still has those issues. Always use your first instinct wish I had and never put it on him.
Islam Ashraf - Comment
Islam Ashraf2015年10月9日Reply
The Cat Flea is one of the most dangerous abundant and widespread species of flea and the most common flea which feeds off cats and humans. So we should to know the kinds of treatment about the cat fleas, especially when we allow them to stay in our home, it would make a huge infection to us. Thank your for your expensive informations!
How To Treat Cat Fleas At Home in simple ways
Craig Talley - Comment
Craig Talley2015年30月9日Reply
I did a first treatment of Revolution on two of my kitties for ticks. Both lost appetites and lethargic.
The largest cat, Rocky, the Maine Coon had a massive Seizure and vomited white foam after 4 days. He was very healthy and died horribly.
Just don't use poison like Revolution of you love your pets. My heart is so broken!
Jen - Comment
Jen06 Nov 2017Reply
delta - Comment
delta11 Nov 2017Reply
Took my cat to the vet they put revolution on the back of her neck that was October the 18th now she has a bald spot where they put it on her and it will not heal. Worst product ever.
John Czoykowski - Comment
John Czoykowski18 Nov 2017Reply
Ingrid - Comment
Ingrid16 Jan 2018Reply
Like many others my cats have experience discomfort when having Revolution applied (burning, itch, hyperactivity) but I feel like I need to share as I see the effects reaching new highs.. A few months back my three indoor cats were all getting a monthly dose of Revolution (because, who wants fleas right?!) but I stopped due to the prolonged sensitivity and itch it would give one of my cats. Also, one morning a few days after applying Revolution to the cats I woke up with acne-like bumps all over my face and upper body. Nothing I have ever experienced before and that night my "itchy" cat had slept up against my neck - so I stopped Revolution thinking it might have caused this reaction to my skin. Fast forward 6 months, randomly I find one flea on one of my cats and no matter how much I brush I find nothing more than one. So I treat the house with peppermint spray, give all three a Capstar and a dose of Revolution. The itch and jumpiness sets in immediately. However, this time one of my cats doesn't stop scratching. Two months later she is still itching and has big pieces of dander all over her black fur. She even is scratching so much she starts bleeding under her chin. At the same time, I start to develop eczema/acne symptoms again and have to see my dermatologist again. This thing is poisonous to cats AND humans and you will never get the vet to admit that (I tried!)! It's their bread and butter!
Erica - Comment
Erica01 Mar 2018Reply
I found this was very useful to use for fleas that I had i my pubic hair.
Carol Siegfried - Comment
Carol Siegfried04 Mar 2018Reply
PLEASE EVERYONE, stop putting these poisons on your animals. All your pets symptoms are definitely from the flea medication. My vet applied revolution on my perfectly healthy 5 yr. old cat (3 applications) and now my cat is having an allergic and neurological reaction , hyper, agitation, running fits , licking biting , scratching, and losing his fur .
I will never give him any chemicals again. I'm using only natural alternatives going forward, and now I'm detoxing him with a all natural liver cleanse and probiotic and fish oil.
Nine's Catudio - Comment
Nine's Catudio04 Mar 2018Reply
Carol Siegfried - Comment
Carol Siegfried04 Mar 2018Reply
Yes Ingrid,
You are right ,I had the same experiences with my cat , hyperness , running , itching , biting, and licking with flakes on his back.
Please everyone dont use these poisons! These damn drug companies dont care about our pets or us
Jennifer Lane - Comment
Jennifer Lane18 Mar 2018Reply
My vet insisted on giving my perfectly healthy cat revolution. 24 hours later same adverse reactions as all of the above people experienced only my poor sweet Ava developed Ataxia, a side effect stated on Revolution's insert. I would find her laying in her litter box as if she tried to go to the bathroom but then couldn't get herself out. The few times I saw her walk - or attempted to - she would take one or two steps and fall over to her side. She lost feeling in her front limbs - I applied the Revolution between her shoulder blades - so its a definite correlation as to why her front limbs lost feeling and she couldn't walk. One week later I found myself at the vet and there was nothing I or the vet could do but euthanize her. JUST two weeks before this incident and never being on Revolution, she had bloodwork, urine analysis, etc. performed and it all came back as perfectly healthy. So why did I have to put her down one week after applying Revolution? It was and is still - the worst event of my life and very difficult to understand and/or deal with. A medication that is supposed to help our animals yet it kills them. I'll never use these types of medications again on my 1 remaining cat and three dogs.
Ven - Comment
Ven12 Apr 2018Reply
Kellie - Comment
Kellie15 Apr 2018Reply
私のお母さんの1 1/2歳の猫は、1週間前にRevolutionを与えられ、現在は激しく貧血で倦怠感があり、食べません。それはとても悲しいです。彼女は現在、輸血のために緊急獣医に彼を突っ込んでいます。悲しいことに、獣医はそれが革命であるとは考えず、明らかに彼らはリベートを受ける。だから、私のお母さんは答えが無く、彼女の猫がそれを作るかどうか分からず、1000ドル以上を使いました。私はこれらの製薬会社によってうんざりしています。
Nine's Catudio - Comment
Nine's Catudio23 May 2017Reply
変更された獣医、変更された薬 - すべてのダニは今や健康で健康です。
Island Girl - Comment
Island Girl2018年6月5日Reply
Lisa B - Comment
Lisa B2018年6月5日Reply
Ophelia - Comment
Leah - Comment
Leah05 Jul 2018Reply
Hey guys. I know this is a fairly old thread, but maybe someone can help us.

Did any of you ever have an issue with facial swelling in the days after administering Revolution or any other flea and tick treatment to your pets?
Kathy - Comment
Kathy22 Jul 2018Reply
A lot of these comments and there is so much confusion! I work for a vet for 20 years and they are not trying to push drugs for your pet. First, Revolution is a drug not a chemical, advantage and Frontline and topical products for flea and tick prevention are all insecticide based. They do not enter the bloodstream they stay in the top layer of the skin. Revolution is a heartworm preventative, a single parasitical drug that goes on to kill fleas for the next 30 days. It enters the bloodstream like any drug does. Of course some animals just like some people will have side effects from certain drugs. Have you not heard the commercials on TV followed by a Litany of possible side effects? The important thing is to be aware, and also know there are a wide variety of drugs available to address heartworm. If a animal has a reaction to one type of drug it's advised to use a different type of heartworm drug. Also keep in mind that heartworm is fatal. Heartworm disease is also a very expensive to treat and monthly heartworm prevention is always the better option. So if you feel your vet is trying to push medications on your pet, realize your vet is actually trying to save your pet from getting heartworm disease! Keep in mind that topical flea products sold over the counter are governed by the EPA Not the FDA. Always ask your veterinarian for the best topical flea treatment, veterinarians are knowledgeable about topical flea products that are effective and studied to be safe versus those that are on the Shelf at any Walmart I may not have any safety studies associated with them. Again, pets are individuals as people are individuals, and your pet may fall into the 1% or 2% of the population that may have a specific reaction.
Quacks - Comment
Quacks28 Aug 2018Reply
Phyl  - Comment
Phyl 2018年9月09日Reply
Slb - Comment
My Maine Coon kitty is having muscle tremors since I applied Revolution. He is strictly indoors but I have a dog so occasionally he will bring in a flea and I will notice the kitties scratching. I will NOT ever use Revolution again. Take this product off the market and stop making people’s beloved pets sick!!!
Nate - Comment
Vet switched us from Frontline to Revolution on 5 year old Border Collie. After 3 months dog started having seizures once a day. After we researched this on the internet we saw many complaints about this product. Bathed the dog with Dawn dish soap to get as much residual product off as we could. Seizures became less frequent and less severe after about 3 weeks. Changed treatment to Seresto collar for fleas/ticks and back to Iverheart Plus for heartworm. As soon as the supply runs out our other Collie is going off this product as well. If you have never witnessed a dog having a bad seizure, you won't want to chance using this product at the recommended dosage. It literally sent my wife off crying to our bedroom on more than one occasion.
Brenda - Comment
Brenda08 Nov 2018Reply
I gave my Ragdoll cat Revolution about 1.5 weeks ago. Since then he has lost all the fur on the underside of his leg. Now he is throwing up, lethargic and won’t eat or drink. This happened once before and he had $500 worth of tests to figure out what was wrong, but they couldn’t find anything. Now I know - it’s the Revolution. This product should be taken off the market and someone should sue this company for poisoning our pets.
jo - Comment
jo18 Nov 2018Reply
I have a feeling that the revolution caused hemolytic anemia and leukemia in my dog coco. If anyone else has experienced this as my dog was perfectly healthy and after the dose within days went down for the count. we are having to help her cross over this week after trying for weeks to get her rbc up enough to do surgery and a blood transfusion the meds would not work
angi-la - Comment
angi-la05 Dec 2018Reply
I have read the anecdotal comments about Revolution, but have not read one post that actually proved Revolution caused any harm. I have used this product for more than 10 years on five different breeds from toy to mastiff size. I have never had a reaction on any of my pets. Like all products, its very important to use the correct dose and to apply it in the area instructed so the pet can't lick it off. Especially cats! It is applied at the base of the neck in front of the shoulder blades, for the express purpose of the pet not being able to lick it. Also not to be used on sick, debilitated or underweight animals. Tests on cats....In safety studies, Revolution was applied at 1, 3, 5, and 10 times the recommended dose to six-week-old kittens with no adverse effects. In dogs... It was administered at 1, 3, 5, and 10 times the recommended dose to six-week-old puppies, and no adverse reactions were observed. Keep in mind this is not just a flea prevention product. It is also a heartworm preventative. Before using the pet should be clear of heartworm, and NO other heartworm product should be used. The active ingredient is a semi-synthetic ivermectin, which has been safely used by Vets on pets, and farmers on cattle, pigs, horses etc, for decades.
Renee Serrano - Comment
Renee Serrano05 Dec 2018Reply
You can give me your info till you are blue in the face and I’m going to sit here and stare at the nerve!! I AM a biologist. I took my 14 yr old cat to a new vet to have a check up. Her blood test came back so perfect he was surprised. He had me put her on revolution even though she’s an inside cat. Within a few hours some of her hair where he applied it was GONE and the patch of hairlessness became two patches and grew in emptiness over 24 hours. Sorry but these pharma jerks that create these things could really give a you know what about the pets. I workin biotech in a company that makes test strips for diseases and I see the shoddy work that can happen. I will not give my cat this poison.
Nate - Comment
Nate09 Dec 2018Reply
If Revolution was not responsible for seizures in my border collie, (see above post) please explain why the dog has not had repetitive seizures since we have changed treatment. It is indeed Revolution that caused seizures in this particular animal. No further seizures have been noted since the product has been discontinued, no other changes were made in diet or other meds given prior or after Revolution. Revolution is to some animals as Penicillin is to some people. This is not anecdotal, it is fact. There is no other variable that could have created this issue that is known to us. While our other Collie appears to tolerate Revolution we have reduced the dosage to about 1/2 application. Who knows what other unseen damage may be occurring at the organ level. As I previously posted as soon as this product is gone we are changing our product to the aforementioned products.
Chances are probably 1 in 10 maybe a bit more your cat or dog will experience issues with this product, when you consider the amount of cats and dogs using this product that's a hell of a lot of sick animals. By the way how much were you paid to post that? Or are you Zoetis? And no I'm not here plugging Seresto or Iverheart but I'll be damned if I'm going to knowingly apply a product that causes harm to one of our dogs.
Jo - Comment
Jo16 Dec 2018Reply
Both my cat and my dog had a reaction to Revolution. My dog recovered after three days of vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and stiffness in his hind end. My cat has suffered severe consequences. She had a week of not eating so I was able to give her subcutaneous fluids and force feeding. She didn’t want to move, she was very lethargic and strange stiffness again in her hind end. She finally recovered but then lost the function of her left hind leg completely. She will live but is now disabled. I have had many animals over the years including fostering many rescues and used many flea treatments but never had this reaction until using this product. Reading the studies on Revolution side effects it does talk about some animals having adverse effects. Selamectin is the active ingredient and is a neurotoxin which attacks the central nervous system, it is not meant to cross the brain blood barrier in mammals but does in fleas, etc. Unfortunately it looks like it will in some mammals, namely our pets, and causes the same poisoning as it does to fleas! There is no antidote but supportive care will give our pets the best chance to recover. Obviously I will not be using this poison again on my animals, I do understand that many pets are okay but after seeing the suffering it caused mine I won’t risk it on the others.
Shell  - Comment
Shell 27 Jul 2019Reply
REVOLUTION plus almost killed my cat!!! Do not use this horrible deadly medicine the company who makes it Zoetis won’t take responsibility at all!! Said reaction must occur within 24 hours - not true!!! My 3 year old healthy perfect cat got revolution plus at her vet appt and 5 days later she started have a grand Mal seizure that night!!!! Her entire body was convulsing she was foaming horribly at the mouth like a volcano of foam coming from her mouth and then her body started thrashing violently everywhere -her head banging against the floor over and over- I was screaming and crying thinking my cat was dying. I rushed her to the emergency vet since it was 11pm. They sent us home and said if she had more seizures in the next few hours she would have to be admitted to hospital. She had two more seizures about an hour after we saw the vet. She has been on anti seizure meds and anti biotics since due to this horrible Revolution drug. No one warned me of these horrible side effects!!!! My cat will never be the same. She has suffered torment and I am traumatized from this all.
Cathy - Comment
Cathy30 Jul 2019Reply
I started my cat on Revolution in April. He is dead today. The vet thought it was some type of virus, but he started losing weight, having difficulty breathing, and bleeding from his mouth.
Janet - Comment
Janet29 Aug 2019Reply
my cat may have licked the area where i put the medication. im worried :( what should i do? i cant get in touch with anyone as the office is closed.
Marilyn Alford - Comment
Marilyn Alford10 Feb 2020Reply
I have 3 cats, ages 2 1/2 yrs. 4 1/2 yr, and 5 1/2 Yr .The youngest and oldest both have medical problems with severe constipation, resulting in the young one having surgery for spinal stenosis. The oldest has inflammatory bowel disease. so has a compromised immune system. For the first time I gave all three Revolution Plus II even though they are strickly indoor cats. The oldest one is very lethargic and just lays there, has vomited, and had a small amount of bloody diarrhea. He has been 3 days since he has eaten, even his favorite treats. I know after a short time they can get fatty liver after a short time without food. It has to be the Revolution. The youngest is showing milder symptoms so THE WILL NEVER, EVER receive that medication again. Even 2% chance of side effects is too much.
Suzanne - Comment
Suzanne23 May 2017Reply
Our 18 year old cat couldn't stand up one morning and the vet diagnosed a blood clot in her legs and wanted to put her to sleep. Luckily, we took her home instead. She started getting better and didn't have a blood clot, but a few days later she had a seizure. I had switched her to Revolution Plus two months earlier and I believe that is what caused the seizure and trouble standing. She still has some trouble with her back legs, but is much better after not using Revolution Plus any longer. Despite two FDA reports to the contrary, the vet office claims that Revolution Plus is safe!
Rae - Comment
Rae23 May 2017Reply
My two dogs had mites, I had tried all the holistic remedies. The Vet prescribed Revolution. The next day the 15 yo 8 lb Yorkie was having diarrhea and the 7 lb 5 yo one was vomiting. I called the manufacturer. They said that was very unusual but should not last very long. It now has been 5 days, the diarrhea is minimal and is intermittent loose stool, The vomiting is only at night and is yellow foam. He has a good appetite. The Vet said just watch him. He doesn't need to see him as long as he is eating and drinking. This doesn't make sense to me. Did not happen before the Revolution. Side Effects from it. I won't be using it again.
Lee - Comment
I have a 7 yr old cat indoor/outdoor 13.7 lbs and the vet suggested revolution. So they gave it to him and where they applied it red sores, sick, hair falling out crying, itching and very miserable. I put Aloe Vets cool blue gel to stop the burning and it worked instantly. The redness is going away fast. He is resting praying for my four legged baby to have a fast recovery. Will NEVER EVER use any stuff on my sweet babies again. Only natural.
MaryLynne  - Comment
MaryLynne 2020年6月5日Reply
I applied Revolution to my adult dogs. My one Bichon didn’t look well and started to tremble of sickness. Vomiting several times yellow bile at first. Then it progressed to vomiting blood. Drinking a lot of water then vomiting blood and water. Scary. We had stepped away for a few minutes and came back to a smelly bloody splash of blood on the floor that we think came from her bum. So scary and she was in dire condition. Decided to give Metronidazole as it reduces inflammation and controls diarrhea. It works quickly and within a few hours the blood had stopped but still vomiting the water. Gave second dose and by morning she was a new dog. Thank goodness. Will continue for 7 days. Thank god I had Metronidazole on hand.
She will never get Revolution again. Two vets didn’t think it was revolution and said it had be something else. I know it was revolution. Apparently they r in denial.
Rena - Comment
Rena01 Jul 2020Reply
I have a 41/2 year old poodle. He has been on Revolution for 4 yrs. I have noticed him change dramatically. He throws up yellow foamy liquid, he lay's around all day until the end of the day. He doesn't want to drink or eat until around 7:00p.m. His stool looks like it is encased in dried blood more and more. Cody has been a hyper dog. I've had poodles before but they were never that hyper. Also he can't take the heat or cold. I thought it was just him. Now all he wants to do is sleep and that is not like him. I have been saving money to take him to the vet because this is going on day after day. It started off slow but its getting worst. Since Cody was a year old he's had a sensitive stomach. He on Hill's I/D. and I thought his spitting up was because of that. As I read all the different comments I'm beginning to wonder if its the revolution. All of the things I mentioned was in the insert of the box of revolution. I going to stop the Revolution to see if he improves. I'm still taking him to the vet to make sure he isn't bleeding internally. Has anyone had their dog or cat with these symptoms?
Anita - Comment
Anita01 Jul 2020Reply
I hope your dog is still ok, but before you jump to blame the Revolution your dog has been on for 4 years already and been fine, please change your dog food! Hills Pet foods has had sooooo many recalls due to vitamin toxicity. The one you say your dog is eating IS ON the recall list. Tens of thousands of pets have gotten sick and died leading to multiple class action law suits against them.
Derick - Comment
Derick20 Jul 2020Reply
So ended up here after applying R+ to our two cats. One seems fine, but the other has a large bald, dry, red patch of skin where it was applied. After reading all these posts I think we're lucky, but I will be throwing out the rest rather than risk the health of out kitties.
M. Smith - Comment
M. Smith01 Aug 2020Reply
I had cats when I was young and they lived a long time and were healthy. In recent years I have had three. Two died young. One was only six when she began to hide and then developed unexplained seizures. The second was practically a kitten when she first had a severe vomiting problem, recovered, and then later wasted away rapidly (and seemed to have abdominal pain). The guess was lymphoma but we didn't have money to do an autopsy. She was very healthy until she suddenly became ill. She had been an indoor cat until we got her. The third cat is still alive but is only two years old. These three cats were on Revolution monthly. The third, the only one still living, is on the Plus. Her fur falls out where it's applied. I'm starting to think that it's not my fault that I can't keep a cat alive anymore and that it's the Revolution that's the problem.
Nancy - Comment
Nancy17 Aug 2020Reply
I used Revolution on my cat for fleas. He has developed a bladder infection. Has anyone had this happen to their cat?
chris - Comment
chris17 Aug 2020Reply
Yes I have even had them in female cats after giving revolution. EVERYONE, just use Capstar. If you use it enough and the right way, you won't have fleas. Start with twice a week, then once a week for a month. IN the summer give it about every two weeks and in the winter about once a month. It will break the flea life cycle and no more eggs will be laid to hatch later. It is much more safe than any of those topical poisons. IT will make your pet itch as the fleas crawl and die, but it is NOT a reaction to the meds, but a reaction to fleas dying. The vets want to sell you the expensive stuff. It is a big money maker for them. Also makes them more money when people bring their sick pets caused by topical flea meds, in order to treat them.
Julie - Comment
Julie17 Aug 2020Reply
Yes. It's our first time using Revolutuon Plus and two of my cats after their second dose (30 days they had dose 2) have a urinary tract infection (UTI). I have never had a cat with a UTI.
One cat is on antibiotics now after a ton of tests that diagnosed him with a UTI. We say him yowling in the litter box. I pray he will be ok because my other cat died a week ago.
My cat sadly had to be put down and it broke my heart. He was diagnosed with diabetes a few weeks ago and we already had him on RP before we knew. He then stopped eating or drinking, was vomiting. We took him to the pet hospital and they diagnosed uti (2 weeks after second dose of revolution plus). I dont know it it related but TWO cats with UTIs? Vet said UTIs are not contagious. My cat got worse and on the 3rd day of hospitalization he had a stroke and we put him down. I'm scared about the revolution plus. The vet didnt think it was the medicine because it sisnt happen right after the dose but I dont know.
I'm scared because I have other cats on the medication right now also.
In addition to the loss of my cat, fear and worry the vet bills were thousands.
Cooper - Comment
Cooper28 Aug 2020Reply
Can anyone please tell me how long the side effects of Revolution will last in my cat? Vet gave my cat Revolution on Monday. His personality has changed 180 degrees. Before he always ate good, always wanted to be outside and on the go. Now he has no energy, doesn’t care to go outside and is very lethargic. I won’t be giving this to him again.
Matt kelly - Comment
Matt kelly30 Aug 2020Reply
Our 2 y/o schnauzer has been given revolution since old enough. The last 3 months we have noticed him 'vaugeing out' and stargazing(will fall of the bed if he’s not caught). Loss of appetite, lethargic. Seems to happen worse each time after (<3 days)="" his="" monthly="" revolution="" treatment="" subsiding/="" disappearing="" before="" the="" next="" dose.="" has="" started="" to="" show="" bald="" patches="" on="" neck="" fur="" this="" dose="" 10cent="" size.="" other="" changes="" include="" wobbliness,="" hyper="" activity,="" spasms,="" jerks,="" shakes/="" tremors.="" vet="" checks="" him="" out="" as="" healthy.="" i've="" read="" about="" the="" gene="" in="" some="" breeds="" which="" depletes="" the="" blood/="" brain="" barrier="" to="" this="" drug.="" but="" notwithstanding="" that="" dosnt="" preclude="" (imho)="" penetration="" of="" the="" spinal="" cord(orally="" or="" transdermal)="" which="" would="" be="" similar="" to="" the="" insider="" stories="" i="" was="" told="" when="" farming,="" about="" the="" parasitic="" backwash="" drench="" used="" on="" cattle="" which="" caused="" mad="" cow="" disease.(drench="" was="" removed="" from="" sale).="" going="" to="" find="" an="" alternative="" treatment="" anyway,="" 7="" years="" of="" complaints="" here,="" nothing="" new="" for="" big="" pharma="" snake="">
Egipitian  - Comment
Egipitian 2020年9月15日Reply
I took my 5 1/2 y.o cat to the vet last week, Wednesday 9/9/20, checked out as a healthy cat no fleas. Vet recommended Revolution and had me buy a six month supply, he said I would save money. Saturday I noticed my cat was pulling out large amounts of hair, scratching / itching and he began to develop a bald spot where the medication was applied. Tonight the spot is larger. My only regret is not researching this before the vet administed this poison. ☹. Will be calling the vet in the morning.
Dana Shelton  - Comment
Dana Shelton 2020年9月18日Reply
Our poor cat is enduring some real Frankenstein-type stuff at this moment, scared and frustrated I searched the subject of "Revolution chemical burn cats" and this is the only thing that shows up, besides a Reddit post, that IS LAYING IT ALL OUT THERE about the TRUTH in regard to this treatment that I will now only refer to as "the poison".
We have three cats that have been given this, seasonally, for years.
This year, January 2020, I began my routine of applying to all three but only had two doses in my pack, so I split between them. We have one cat, Teeny, that is like a dog in that she wants to go out and hang all day. She's the reason everyone gets dosed, and is now the reason they will never be again!
We're on the coast, in South Georgia, so I wasn't sure when I began to see Teenys hair in little tufts, what was going on. She gets into scrapes w all types of wildlife and goes to vet, gets treated w antibiotics or stitches, stays inside, subjects us to her teenage temperament, heals and goes at it again. This year, however, everything was different. She started to walk a little wobbly and that spot on her back just kept looking worse. She started staying really close to the house when outside, I feel now it was lethargy, and began vomiting frequently yet not with any regularity. That spot was turning really dark pink under and the tufts were looking more like clumps. Her coat is white, so we really could monitor the progression of the situation easily. I told my husband that I suspected this was possibly an irritation from the poison aka Revolution.
One day she came running in and had an inch long gash on her back very close to the spot. I immediately thought, "she was rubbing up against something, scratching her back and the whatever was sharp enough that it cut her". This was January. My vet stitched her up and she donned her dredded soft surgical collar. *please note, I put this on her the opposite direction of a hard collar, like a cape, not a halo.
It was healing well, when she, through her soft collar, scratched the stitches out of her back! I was distraught and she was a mess. Back to vet to now get staples! This poor cat was so irritated (the spot was underneath the soft collar, mind you) that she couldn't readily scratch for relief, yet she somehow managed to dig (or chew) out 2 of the staples! The vet replaced them and she was now in a hard (halo) collar, PLUS the soft one to protect the wound, and receiving Prednisone for the itching and antibiotic shots for infection! FINALLY after 5 weeks, she was healed....until she comes in for treats one day and I'll be damned if she finally, now, scratched a huge HOLE into her back precisely where the 'spot' was located!
It has been now, 6 MONTHS that my poor girl has been STRICTLY INDOORS and WEARING A FKNG COLLAR because every time this heals, she completely rips it open scratching herself. I am SICK that I actually caused this, I did this to our baby!
I called my vet in tears last week because she was nearly healed completely, AGAIN...and has opened the small scab back up. It's continually a raw, bleeding wound that exposes her muscle between her shoulder blades. I asked our vet how long would she force an animal of hers to endure this? She said, "okay lets do another round of Prednisone and oral antibiotics and see how it looks, in a couple of weeks and If she's still going at it, I will excise the entire spot and stitch it all up and hopefully that will be the fix". Like, seriously???
I am so beyond frustrated and upset and literally would like to know IF ANYONE has endured any of this behavior from their babies? Also, WHAT WOULD YOU PERSONALLY DO at this point? Excise and stitch?? I mean, I'm certain Teenys hair will never grow back there, the skin is so thin and when it does heal there are visible small veins just under the surface of thin, stressed, skin just begging to heal. It's so pitiful.
FK you, Zoetis & Pfizer!!!
Quynh - Comment
My puppy died 9 hours after the vet applied Revolution without explaining to me (a first time dog owner) what it was or that it had any side effects. My family (3 kids) are heartbroken and will never forget the trauma that this terrible drug inflicted on us. I hope our pup forgives us :’(
Ann Allen - Comment
Ann Allen2015年15月9日Reply
The vet suggested Revolution as a precaution for my senior cat. I gave it to him 2 weeks ago and he has not been the same since. Very stiff, staggers when he walks, lethargic, loss of appetite. I don’t think he will recover—it’s been 2 weeks. He is miserable. I am so sad.
Michelle Chaney - Comment
Michelle Chaney27 Nov 2020Reply
I genuinely don't know what to do. My cats have been on revolution for 3 years now. We don't treat them year-round, but during the warmer months. My cat just had a seizure this night. He first urinated a little, started meowing very loud as if he was shouting, ran off to a corner, started scratching at the carpet, and then he began to have a very violent seizure with tremoring, head shaking, jaw moving, foaming at the mouth, and unconsciousness. It lasted for about two minutes, and afterwards he was very calm, seeking attention, and purring. I am glad to know that he wasn't hurt from the seizure, but it was a terrible sight to witness. Looking back, it is very possible that he could've had a seizure prior. There was another instance where he urinated, meowed loudly and ran off. Then, he came back and had a lot of saliva/foam at the mouth. I didn't see what happened, but comparing it to tonight, he very well could've hat a seizure. I have another cat who threw up tonight a few minutes later. She throws up every once in a while.

I am wondering if there is any link to this odd behavior and the Revolution. I haven't notice anything weird until these past few months. I am going to take my cat to the vet soon and see if there is anything wrong with him. If he comes back as healthy, then I think I will stop giving my cats the Revolution for a while and see if any symptoms come up again.

Does anyone know of any other flea/worm preventatives that are much safer? Or is it fine to forgo any preventative treatments altogether? My father never gave his cats anything or took them to the vet growing up, and they all lived to be old, so I am wondering if cats are better off without the risk of modern medicine? I hate to think like this because I'd like to think that innovation is for the better, but I hate to see my cats be put in possible danger from rare side-effects.
Joanne - Comment
Joanne11 Dec 2020Reply
I've been giving Revolution to my 2 cats during flea season for the past few years. Recently I noticed that the cats seem to get really itchy in the week before their next dose is due. I assumed it was fleas starting to make their comeback as the Revolution lost strength. About a month ago I rescued a cat and brought him into our household. He hasn't been treated for fleas and shows no signs of scratching or chewing. I came on here to see if anyone else had noticed itchiness just before the next dose is due. After reading what everyone else has had to say there isn't a chance that I'll put that stuff anywhere near my cats again. Perhaps my two older ones will gain back some energy and enthusiasm once they've been off it for a few months.
I applied Revolution at the right dose to my 10 month old Maine Coon. He started staggering and walking funny.
$1000 of tests have thrown no light. Although he comes from a reputable breeder that tests for genetic issues we are still waiting for a genetic lab’s results on more tests. He seems a bit better and has started jumping on bed but still he does not move normally. I have used Revolution before with no problems but this time I have to blame it. Will follow up with end results.
Angie - Comment
Angie19 Jan 2021Reply
Revolution Plus killed my cat. Gave it to for the last 6 months. Did not make the connection when she would throw. Gave it to her as usual. She threw up that evening, and the next day all of a sudden her legs would not work. Brought her to the ER, and had to have her put down. Do not use this product on your cat!
Arlene  - Comment
Arlene 14 Mar 2021Reply
Bad reaction to Revolution Plus after 1st dose topically on 5 year old Chihuahua mix.1st day shook his head and scratched his neck.2nd day about 48hr started trembling constantly, hiding, anxious, seemed weak walking and wouldn’t jump or cling steps. Ate if encouraged. Total behavior change. Worst at about 60-72 hrs. 2 visits to emergency vets, vitals normal, no fever no obvious injury. Normal labs. As owner I check the box of heart worm Med and realized the changed Med Revolution was new and the best explanation. We have a case# with the manufacturer though the vet. Day five the symptoms are less frequent and less severe with some times of being norma, but I wish her back to his playful self, We are hoping and praying for a full recovery. I will try to post again with an update.
Dana  - Comment
Dana 18 Mar 2021Reply
This has made my cat severely ill with tremors, seizure, frothing at the mouth and severe pain. She is going downhill fast.
Will also cost me a fortune at the Vet now.
This product should be banned ! ! !
Milo - Comment
Milo19 Mar 2021Reply
The vet pushed me to put this on my 4 month old pomeranian puppy and since then (2 weeks and half ago) he has been lethargic, heavy breathing, vomit once, small appetite, and less potty (poo). The vet never told me there would be side effects and this could be life threatening for my little guy ESPICIALLY when he's coughing and he might have kennel cough. Does anyone know if this could kill him after 2 weeks of it given or is it passed? Im pretty worried and when I contact my vet they don't get back to me......
Anita - Comment
Anita09 Apr 2021Reply
I applied revolution on my cat on 2 separate occassions both times he had a violent seizure. I didn't realize the cause until the second seizure because there was a 1 month lapse of not getting medicine with no seizure that month. Took my pet to vet and told them what happened but they denied my theory that the Revolution gave this adverse reaction. I'm presently watching over him. He is not quite himself. Praying this pass. I will never use medicine again. Is there anyway we can hold the manufacturer & vets for pushing this poison for profit? Is their any way to get this out my cat system? Please HELP!
Catrina Albo - Comment
Catrina Albo12 Apr 2021Reply
My 5 year old cat had his first seizure back in January about 3 weeks after his revolution treatments. He’s been on Revolution for about 5 years now. After the January seizure we took him to the ER and his regular vet. All bloodwork came back normal. Skipped a month of Revolution and no seizures. Gave him on the Revolution again a little over 2 weeks ago and he just had a another seizure. The vets didn’t think there was a connection. I’m thinking it’s from the Revolution. I’m stopping it immediately. He’s an indoor cat that sits in the screened in porch but he will now have to stay inside. I’d rather take the chance of fleas than see him having seizures. They must have changed something in the formula. This stuff is poison!
Buggy Boy - Comment
Buggy Boy26 Apr 2021Reply
Gave my mixed main coon 2yr old this and He's dyeing in front of me right now, four days ago gave flea meds and he stayed on his bed since. Took him to vet and everything checked ok. Won't eat or drink;He's listless vomiting and urinating on himself and there's nothing we can do to save him.
Elizabeth - Comment
Elizabeth23 May 2017Reply
We used Revolution on one of our cats who just saw the vet that week of a good health checkup, he saw the doctor on a Wednesday and he also got all of his update on his vaccines, so we waited until Sunday morning to give him this flea medication, by the evening of Sunday he suffered from something and died in my arms. We believe it was the flea medication but we have no proof but will never use this med any more
Alam Williams - Comment
Alam Williams23 May 2017Reply
Revolution has been proved to be safe for dogs and cats that are already receiving vaccines, anthelmintics, antiparasitics, steroids, collars, shampoos and antibiotics. Still every medicinces don't suits to every animals need to take a vet recommondation as they understand all about your pet better.
Andrew - Comment
Clay in a pets food is a good idea. "Sacred Clay" is one of the better brands cause it so fine. Clay will absorb, heavy metals, chemicals or radiation and animals normally eat dirt with their catch. Yet house hold pets are starved their minerals from soil. Grass is essential to supply to and Diatomicious Earth is the best flea treatment and way cheaper!
Rachel - Comment
Rachel03 Jul 2021Reply
I used this on my cat and two days later noticed he was having trouble standing up and within the next 24 hours he was completely paralyzed except for his head. The ver I got the meds from of course said that it could not be caused by the meds and sent me to an emergency clinic that charged me a fortune and told me they did not know what was going on with my cat but that it definitely wasn’t caused by the flea meds. They put my cat on a lot of other medication that did not help at all. Finally I went to a third vet that was willing to say that it was a classic case of toxicity caused by the Revolution. He told me to stop giving my cat all the other meds the emergency clinic put him in and just let the flea medicine work it’s way out of his system. I did that and within a few days my cat started walking again and has made a full recovery. But he was completely paralyzed from the neck down for over a week. If your cat experiences something similar, just keep giving them wet food and water (I used a syringe for water) and give it time to work out of the cats system. Please don’t have your cat put to sleep.
Michelle - Comment
Michelle03 Jul 2021Reply
Thank you for giving me hope. I'm terrified right now with how my poor pup is behaving. He's so ill and miserable. I took my dog to the vet last night because of the Revolution flea meds I put on his neck - but like you, the vet acted like it's something other than that. They run all the tests, tell you it could be this or that, but it's really toxicity from the flea meds. Stop covering up for big pharma!!!
Jackie - Comment
Jackie05 Jul 2021Reply
My Asperger Son's little kitten who he lovingly nursed and we spend a spent a fortune on. We made the mistake of taking him to "CyFair Vets" the one with TV show on Animal Planet near our home in home in Houston, TX. She suffered a seizure the next day after Trifexis and died the next day. This was the second kitten to die while under their care after flea Tx.
Sam - Comment
Sam07 Jul 2021Reply
Had used revolution tick prevention medicine on my 14 years old golden retriever last Saturday. The day after she had a seizure that lasted maximum 10 seconds but hard to watch... Never happened before. I was also painting in my garage when it happened and the dog was with me.... My vet without any doubt there was no link between revolution and seizure. I trust my vet, but With what Îve read here, I am throwing the kit in the dumpster.....
Michelle - Comment
Michelle24 Jul 2021Reply
I gave my 19 month old Irish Terrier Revolution three days ago and he's listless, has no appetite, vomited, running a temperature, stiff joints. I called Revolution (phone number on box) and the rep said that some of his side effects can happen. I do not think that any medication that could potentially kill or cause health issues should be given to our animals. Shame on big pharma and shame on the medical profession for acting like this isn't a big deal. My dog was happy and joyful the day I put that toxic medicine on his neck. He's been miserable for three solid days. The vet has nothing for him and will not link it to Revolution. Lab work showed elevated white cells (his body trying to fight off toxins) and his abdominal x-rays were normal. Shame on all of these people.
Rachel - Comment
Rachel09 Aug 2021Reply
I had used Revolution since my 9 year old cats were kittens. 5 year hiatus in which I used generic brands from BJs, etc.. No problems. This year I used Advantage Gold and they both had diarrhea for close to a month. Went back to the Revolution and one of them is having severe reactions. Total behavior changes, massive weight loss, listless, etc. Seems to have issues walking (sort of runs to the one space he is occupying as if there is something hot on the floor). Will eat when I encourage it, which I've done consistently. Same with water. I have to initiate that. It's been 3 weeks now and I'm hoping that the poison will leave his system and he will recover. I will NEVER use this product again. Perhaps they changed the formula? Made it stronger? I was always a bit curious about the idea of having poison in their bloodstream for a month at a time. Now it seems obvious that it is a bad idea. It may be because he is 9 years old now, but if age is an issue, it should be clearly stated.
Oscar - Comment
Oscar15 Aug 2021Reply
I have 3 cats and this medicine was recommended by my vet. After consulting him about taking my kids for a stroll in the park he said it's best to give them Revolution just to be on the safe side. Heartworms is the biggest danger obviously and this medicine is meant to prevent it. But at what cost? I've read bunch of scientific reports about the researches that have been done and lots of other stuff until I found this article. No way I'm giving them it now. But I do have a question though, should I be at all worried about mosquito bites and heartworm disease if I only wanna occasionally take them to parks and whatnot. Plus they're feline and I've heard heartworms are a whole lot more common in dogs. Besides, we're not planning on going out at dawn, dusk or night, only during daytime though I do know mosquitos are active even during the daytime. I do wanna protect them from heartworms but I definitely don't wanna be putting their health at risk by doing so. If it helps, I'm in Ottawa, Canada. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
Abby Roads - Comment
Abby Roads19 Aug 2021Reply
It's been 2 hours since the vet gave my 2 yr old American shorthair cat her first ever dose of Revolution. She just vomited and is acting very subdued. After reading these comments I'm terrified that I have poisoned my cat.
Terra - Comment
Terra25 Aug 2021Reply
I’ve been in tears all day. My beautiful 15 year old cat, Apollo, passed away Monday night. I gave him Revolution plus on Sunday night. He was healthy, active, playful and eating perfectly before I gave him the dose of flea control. I’ve given this flea control to all my cats this year & this is the first time I’ve experienced any reactions. I’m devastated. Didn’t even have the opportunity to help him by getting him to a vet, it happened so quickly after his seizure. I’m still stunned. I’ve been looking online for answers and found this group. I’m truly amazed at all the stories I’ve read & the sadness and heartbreak this drug has caused to so many people and their beloved pets. I feel your pain, I’m sad with you & hope that many of your pets may recover to good health and that the ones who have lost their babies - May your hearts heal soon. I’m so broken and so angry that my baby lost his life in such a tragic way.
Oscar - Comment
Oscar25 Aug 2021Reply
Hi Terra, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know exactly how you feel because I also lost my baby girl in the past. She's still with us, our little angel, guarding and guiding us. I'm sure your boy too! Stay strong for his sake, he'd want you to. Listen to this song (it's a sad one, but the words are beyond beautiful and fitting): If The Sun Comes Up by Trace Adkins.
BHS - Comment
BHS11 Nov 2021Reply
I've been using revoltution on my cat for about a year. put revolution on my cat last night and he started immediately having an adverse reaction. he was disoriented, vision impaired, and scared. I got a moist rag and wiped off as much as I could. he was agitated all night. could not get comfortable. this morning I touched him and he hissed at me twice. He never does that. I have a vet appointment soon. They give you a toxin to put on the cat and then you can't get in to see the Dr again when things go wrong. It's frightening. My cat is doing better today. but i am concerned about long term issues.
JRock - Comment
JRock05 Dec 2021Reply
We applied Revolution to our 4 year old cat 3 nights ago. A few hours later we were awaken by blood curling sounds from our cat. She was swatting at the air, ramming her head into the walls, then started having a seizure. We rushed her to the Vet ER. They sedated her to bathe her to remove the medication. She was vomiting and acting very aggressive. We're now on Day 3 and she is still on IV fluids and can't keep down food. I feel horrible that my pet sick and I can't be there to comfort her. Is my cat gonna die?? They need to discontinue this product if it's hurting pets!!
Betty - Comment
Betty10 Jan 2022Reply
My vet is trying to convince me that it's okay to use Revolution on my 4 month old Ragdoll kitten. I've read so many terrible stories about the side effects to cats! I don't think I could handle it if I caused my kitty to suffer because of me giving her a flea treatment medication! I'm so torn!!!
GregT - Comment
GregT30 Jul 2022Reply
100% healthy, playful 2yr old female cat. Mobile Vac Dr prescribed Reveloution Plus for weight 11.1-22 lbs to avoid heartworm. Tech weighed my cat and carrier with blanket and Dr told her to estimate the carriers weight and deduct from the total weight. Documentation says my cat weighed in at 11.12 lbs. Administered 1 dose on back of the neck. 2 hr later cat appeared to be in shock, staring into space, not moving. Then lathergic, not eating or drinking. After 48hr began forcing water with honey mixture with dropper several times per day. Began responding positively but very little progress. Ate wet catfood but just a few nibbles. After two more days no progress. Still lathergic, would cry if I picked her up, nibble a bit and sleep. Day 5 worry she wouldnt make it. Appeared to be dying. Call a local vet saw her within an hour. Explained what happened. He said my cat was most likely one of those 5% that has a negitive reaction and not to ever give her again. Said my cat had a fever and if he can get the fever down she should begin eating better. So they injected her with saline solution I believe in the upper back under the skin to rapidly hydrate her and two antibiotic shots. Said take her home and see how she does. Within an hour she was dramitically improved, eating much better alert etc. Next day doing pretty good, but still not 100%, but eating pretty good. Reacted positive to picking her up, but still sleeping more than usual. Dr called me today asked me how she was doing. Said let him know in a couple of days. So looks like she will make it, time will tell if 100% recovery. Lastly on the weight issue, the prescribing doctor I belive should have prescribed the smaller dose as her weight was virtually on the absolute borderline better to error on side of caution, if you will. Also, for those of you out there, check the prescribed dose and weight for accuracy. I belive the dose was too big for her. My vet said there no way to be sure, but told me to never give it too her again. One more thing, he told me never give my cat tylonol or asprin for fever as that could easily kill her.
Marcia Favaloro  - Comment
Marcia Favaloro 02 Aug 2022Reply
I have had 3 cats get a horrible disease called cytauxzoonosis Or Bobcat fever. PLEase look it up. If left untreated, it is fatal in 97% of cats who contract it. IF You catch it soon, enough you have a 60% chance that your cat will recover with hospitalization.
Revolution plus is the only flea and tick medicine that can help you fight the Lone Star tick that carries Bobcat fever. My 1st two that got it were totally indoor cats and I feel I must have had a tick on me that dropped off but this disease has killed cats for every single person I know. so whether or not you think that using these drugs on your cat is horrible and you're going to do it naturally, if you live in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, or Missouri, You may come up against Bobcat fever and it kills in 3 to 5 days after symptoms start. Hemolytic anemia causes organ failure & your cats cook from inside with fever over 106°

And the treatment & drugs are extremely expensive ranging $1200-2000 with a long hospital stay. I've used Revolution on my cats for over a year with no side effects other than the cats being really peeved at my for applying it.
Cheryl Saber - Comment
Cheryl Saber2022年9月10日Reply
I gave my 3 year old a treatment this am , after her breakfast. All she is doing is sleeping but that’s the only thing I am noticing . She hasn’t drank water or eaten anything since.
Shoul I be concerned?
Karen - Comment
Hello everyone! Per vet's advice, I applied Revolution to my 14-week old kitten and 3 year old cat. I didn't touch the product while applying, but I apparently got some on me the next day after handling the kitten. The cats are all just fine (slight loss of appetite), but I am not. The next day I awoke with itching palms, progressing to pin pricks over my body, and two days later, I have hives. Taking allergy med Allegra seems to calm it down, and I assume it will eventually go away. Have used Frontline before with no issues, so first time with Revolution. Anybody experienced this, and if so, what can I expect?
vaporland - Comment
took my elderly 16 year old cat because she was itching / scratching
this has happened before, in the past antibiotics & steroids cleared it up
the vet pushed revolution hard, I did not want to do it - another cat I used to own HATED it, it made his skin burn
well, my cat went into convulsions and is now having kidney failure
brought to you by pfizer - that's all you need to know
Lisa Roth - Comment
Lisa Roth01 Nov 2022Reply
I applied this treatment to my 2 cats. Four hours later, I was awoken by my cat, restless and scratching every 5 seconds. After I pet him, this continued for another half hour or so until he finally calmed down. This was the first time I had used Revolution Plus on him. He seems miserable. I hope he's not having an allergic reaction to this medication.
Sharon  - Comment
Sharon 06 Dec 2022Reply
My cat a burn a above her left eye.
Darlene Popinchalk  - Comment
Darlene Popinchalk 04 Feb 2023Reply
I have an overweight cat who we are actively trying to help lose weight. We know it's a slow process. No more than 6 oz a week to prevent fatty liver.

She gets labs checked once a year to check for diabetes, kidney function, thyroid. She had been coughing alot but then would go right back to playing. Shes dropped some weight. Coughing became less and less

We've always used revolution plus with her but lately I've noticed every time we put it on her, she coughs and coughs like crazy again. Is this a sign of heart disease? It sounds like a wet cough. I've had our vet check her out, had a cxr, didn't see anything concerning. I wonder if she had congestive heart failure. Her breathing even sounds wet after the coughing episodes...then she just runs off and plays...its crazy. Her worm test was negative as well.

Felicia  - Comment
Felicia 11 Mar 2023Reply
Revolution Plus made my 9.5 yr old male cat very lethargic and lost his appetite after I gave him this product for days afterwards. Didnt want to be picked up. Didnt want to move. Never again. He was like this for a few days, took him to the Vet and he didnt think it was the Revolution Plus. I told him i was putting in an adverse reaction report with the Zoetis manufacturer, as he has never had a reaction to using this product before. This was the 4th time i had used the product on him , there were 6 pipettes in the box. Not using this product or other flea meds ever again. Its been a week and half since his flea meds. He is still not eating much, but is eating. I am very worried this dose plus the previous three doses has built up toxicity in his system. The manufacturer rang me up the next day and whilst they sounded concerned, didnt really help other than try to give me the normal Revolution product. As if i would put more poison on him in the future. Never again. From now on i am using Diatomaceous earth around and under his bed( not on him ).
I hope he picks up with his eating. The Vet gave me Mirtazapine tablet to give him if his appetite wanes.
Plus I put a Shunjite crystal stone in his water bowl to purify his water.
I hope he pulls through. He is my world. The next few weeks will be critical I think to his long term survival. No more flea meds for him ever again.
Do not use Revolution Plus for your cat.
Lesa - Comment
Lesa23 May 2017Reply
3 days post application of Revolution spot on my cat I noticed A bald spot where it was applied , plus it had a red raised crust formed over top and was ozzing a serious drainage like an infected burn. Immediately took her to vets where she agreed it was caused from topically applied revolution and administered an injection of prednisone and an injection of an antibiotic. Since then I have read everything I could on consumer reports from folks all over the country...it's scary stuff these drugs for fleas. I'm looking into homeopathic approaches....am hoping to find something in that arena. My heart aches for all the pet owners who have lost their pets to these awful meds.
Cindy Jeffery  - Comment
Cindy Jeffery 08 Aug 2023Reply
I accidentally put it to close to his skull, he's OK but I hope it doesn't hurt him later. I've been using Revolution for 5 yrs now.
ES - Comment
What are the risk of applying revolution plus to a 17-year-old cat with hyperthyroidism?
Nancy Cooke - Comment
Nancy Cooke2023年9月10日Reply
I heard somewhere that Revolution could help with some kinds of skin infections.
I’m feeding and trying to take care of some abandoned and feral cats in my neighborhood and although he’ll let me pet him(the cat with the abscess), he definitely won’t let me try to catch him to take them to the vet. This cat has an abscess on his ear. I give him Revolution monthly,, and he’s due for his next dose in a couple of days, so Is that true that it may help with the infection?
Kathy Dornbach  - Comment
Kathy Dornbach 09 Nov 2023Reply
The vet gave me revolution to use on my rabbit now he is sickly and the spot I put it on is hot to the touch will he be ok ? He is drinking some water
Will Kay - Comment
Will Kay30 Nov 2023Reply
I am convinced that revolution plus has given my cat lymphoma. He does not have feline leukemia. He’s an indoor cat I do not smoke, nor does anybody my household.
I don’t think vets are going to say that a product they prescribe causes cancer. However, it does.
Stacey - Comment
ステイシー05 Feb 2024Reply
Has anybody noticed after applying revolution to their dog that over time as? It built up, they just seemed to get more and more aggressive, to the point that now they bite and are sensitive on their shoulders.?? I am trying to figure out if the revolution has played a part in his progressive aggression which this breeder said none of his dogs have shown signs of aggression ever... I'm at a loss.
Denise Beegle  - Comment
Denise Beegle 23 May 2017Reply
This medicine KILLES MY 8WK OLD PUPPY! I bought my mom a shitzu/pomeranian hybrid puppy, Her name is Little bit. She was 1#3oz. We took her to Vet per usual, and he suggested we give her flea med. My mom questioned this as seems she small for that yet, he assured her she be safe, and medicine was okay for 8wk old pups 0/5# . She came home little bit eas vomiting, wouldn't eat or drink. Mom forced fluids and took her back to vet 2 days later, he gave IV fluids, and honey Stix for sugar prevent hypoglycemia. She still very lethargic, next morning,this moring I get a call from very hysterical Mom barely able talk she was crying so hard. Little bit had died. I KNOW with every ounce of my being this editing killed my mom's very expensive dog, who she loved and had brought her more joy than I had seen since my Dad had passed. I'm angry, sad, and trying my best to not go to jail for putting hands on a trusted vet who more worried about the buck than pup. No way will I ever use any thing like this again, and worse part is she didn't have worms, or fleas. No reason not to wait till she was a bit bigger.


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