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Millie Jordan
Stronghold does everything the higher priced medication for heart worms does. It essentially treats every parasite and keeps my old girl healthy. There hasn’t been any type of adverse reactions to her or at the site of application. Since I began using it over 6 months ago. She has been heart worm tested during this time and had fecal worm test. Nothing, completely clean. I highly recommend this product.<br><br> <iframe width="400" height="225" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VhumaibQY8A" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Millie Jordan
Stronghold does everything the higher priced medication for heart worms does. It essentially treats every parasite and keeps my old girl healthy. There hasn’t been any type of adverse reactions to her or at the site of application. Since I began using it over 6 months ago. She has been heart worm tested during this time and had fecal worm test. Nothing, completely clean. I highly recommend this product.<br>
あまり期待せずに注文しました。私は3匹の猫を飼っています。1匹は何年も飼っていて、2匹の小さな猫は1歳未満です。これらの小さな男たちが来る前に、本当にひどいノミの問題はありませんでした.私は高価なノミの首輪、ノミの爆弾、ノミのシャンプーでの入浴、ノミのくし..そしてFrontline plusの6つのピペット(私の小さなchiuwawahaには常に機能しました)を試しました.したがって、これがカバーする内容を読んで、少なくとも他の結果は有益であると考えました.しかし...これはうまくいきました。彼らが治療されてから約1週間経ちましたが、ノミは1匹も見たことがありません!!テスト用に 1 つのパケット (子猫ごとに 1 つのピペット) を注文しました。とても幸せで、強くお勧めします。私も感謝している非常に速い船積み!!!
Anita Wood
Thank you for everything
Reliable shopping. Fast shipping. Shipping to Turkey only takes 10 days. Thank you for everything.