Brand Reviews
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さて、これは私の猫のノミに効きますが、悪臭がし、油っぽいです.悪臭を消すのにも数日かかります。猫の臭いだけでなく、猫が触れるものすべて。特にあなたを! 1日か2日は部屋中に匂いが充満します。もう1つ、私の猫にも精神反応がありました。彼らはその後数日間、物を追いかけ、そこにないものを攻撃し続けます.初日は眠くなるのになかなか寝付けないので、頭と新陳代謝をいじっているように思います。これはもう使用していません。
Colleen Little
私は数年前から PetBucket を使用しています。私は年配の固定収入の顧客です...あなたの価格は、私が手頃な価格で猫を保護し続けることを可能にします。ありがとう!
You have made life easier by offering automatic refill on my dogs "Advocate" . Always satisfied and have been getting their meds for the last several years with you. Great price, great product, free shipping, how much more could you ask for. Would recommend this to anyone who cares about your pets . They NEVER have fleas.
You have made life easier by offering automatic refill on my dogs "Advocate" . Always satisfied and have been getting their meds for the last several years with you. Great price, great product, free shipping, how much more could you ask for. Would recommend this to anyone who cares about your pets . They NEVER have fleas.
You have made life easier by offering automatic refill on my dogs "Advocate" . Always satisfied and have been getting their meds for the last several years with you. Great price, great product, free shipping, how much more could you ask for. Would recommend this to anyone who cares about your pets . They NEVER have fleas.